Thursday, 10 December 2020


Weather foul.  Strong winds.  Heavy rain and overcast. Never left the house.

Will go out tomorrow.  Whatever the weather.

Last night the green snake kept disappearing.  Then this morning we discovered both bottles of oxygen were empty.  Its alright being on 15 hours of oxygen if you have it to take.....  Sorted now.  Hoping for a better night.


vic said...

Love the poster. But when you get right down to it we should appreciate everything that we have every year. It's so easy to forget when it's right there in front of us all the time.

Chris said...

Couldn't agree more with your last sentiment. Don't know about you but we have all we need (except getting to see family).

Tigger's Mum said...

An excellent 'thought for the day'

Carruthers said...

A good thought. It often crosses my mind that, materially, l don't need anything I haven't got. Which then makes me wonder if I'm overprivileged?

Jules said...

You were right to hibernate. I hope the weather improves. X

kjsutcliffe said...

Our weather, although not pleasant, sounds better than yours - hope tomorrow you can get out and get some sea air x