Monday 31 October 2016

Some positives some not.

Last week our Gardening duo came and gave the grass its last cut this year.  They also did a massive clearing of the beds.

The flowering shrub on the left needs a severe pruning. Think it is a Potentilla, but I can not remember the colour even.  Hence the threatened hair cut.  But gone are the mass of dead Hosta leaves to the right.  Underneath the Pussy Willow is a deceased cat.  The Dawn Patroller has the bed on his list to plant some Autumn /Winter colour.

The bed to the side of the house.  The patio door is into the kitchen.  Again a lot of drastic shrub pruning required.

Finally here is Sith on the new patio with the side garden of that cleared.  Also the Honeysuckle arch down the steps has been cut back.  Sadly beneath the soil here is Bishop Weed.  AKA Ground Elder.  A pernicious weed to quote Google.  Indeedy.  Unfortunately
my instructions of "There are things in there I want to keep."  should never have been uttered.  The only way to get rid of Bishop Weed is to dig every last bit out and then pray.  
Or rather do it all again and again.  So sod the pretty Aquilegia, the Poppies, the Paeony  we do have duplicates of all these - so zip my mouth.  The 2 gardeners would have eradicated the BW so I am in disgrace.

We had the visitation of Daughter number 3 and 2 grandchildren.

Family trait - we all talk with our hands.

And in the normal fashion talking by mouth when painting with Grandma and explaining how boring Assembly is when you have to fold your legs and cross your arms.  I am sure it was the other way round when I was at school.

As they left I was felled with yet another chest infection.  Obviously the previous week of visiting various health departments etc was a bit silly of me mixing with people quite possibly having an infection.  So bed has been where I have been since.  Just managed to stay upright today.

Seriously considering becoming a recluse.  Insisting Doctors, nurses etc. see me in the car park.  

Then the mains water went off.  But its back.  Almost.  A positive.  Think Positive.  Not long before I am back down the Esplanade again.

Friday 21 October 2016

More old age stuff.

Been a busy and tiring week.  Tuesday I went to a drop in session at the library on cleaning your hearing aids.  Mine were clean so passed that.

Wednesday   The Doppler test.  This entailed a blood pressure cuff on my arm and then on one ankle and then the other.  Apparently all was well.  Apart from me who had to lie flat on my back for the test.  Really do not like lying flat on my back.  Well just occasionally.

Referred back to the gp.  But why?  Quite happy to be told nothing wrong for once.

Thursday I had my hair done.  Just tiring in explaining to the young woman washing my hair that I had no plans for the weekend.

Today was the opticians.  Second eye cataract op now due.  Apparently if all goes wrong I have the one bionic eye so can still drive.  But will struggle to paint and draw.

My daily walks have been curtailed as all these appointments were after I do my walk so I was clock watching all the time.

Flying Dutchman. Photo by James Ritchie.  Saw this. My photo was crap.

Weather been brilliant all week. 

Hope it is tomorrow and I do a proper walk.

Too tired to even blog properly.  Forgot on Monday I had my flu jab.

Sunday 16 October 2016

Escaped the house.

 I have been stuck inside the house for 2 days due to 40 mph winds and lashing of rain.  Today was 20 - 30 mph .  So I finally got out to the beach and wind tested the new coat.  Which passed.

The high winds also made the trip down the garden to the shedudio a no no.  But today I sailed down.  

This painting is from a photograph I took a few weeks back.  Its title - "All together now..."  Just makes me smile.  Not quite finished.  (Herring Gulls - Scurries )

This one is finished.  (Ptarmigan.)  Pen, brush and ink.  This is to be our Christmas Card this year.  The DP has added some suitable wording, now I have to create the cards.  I have vague ideas floating re actual costly gifts.  I am usually sorted mentally by this time of year.  Just lack the funds !  As our family increases I try every year to say Christmas is for kids but no-one seems to agree...

Hey ho.  

There is a fantastic potter not far away.  

Millshore Pottery.  Near Pennan where Last Hero film made.  May have to escape soon and get Christmas sorted.  Shop local and all that.  And there are a few items I like too......

Friday 14 October 2016

I am old.

My new Winter coat.  Allegedly wind proof and waterproof.  I havent tested it out yet as since its arrival we have had gales and rain which the coat might withstand but I wouldnt.

The Dawn Patroller took these photos.  I wasnt allowed out of the car.

We were returning home after a visit to my g.p.  Despite my variety of complaints I do not bend his ear frequently.  Which sometimes pays off.  As he  listens.  He also tells me I am old.  But sifts the wheat from the chaff and scares me to death by ordering future tests for things I wasnt aware were a possibility.  Anyone else had a Doppler Test?

All I said was my legs were behaving strangely.

Nah then we have an author in the family..  My eldest daughter published her academic tome.  

She has also just moved house. Here are her two boys.  Trying out the new home and new floor.

Then we have visiting these two.

Next week and are currently trying to bomb proof the house. Wee boy just started walking.

This grandson has a cold so is banned.

And between you, me and the gatepost there's another one due early next year.

I am old.

Tuesday 11 October 2016


From the photograph taken from my ground floor bedroom window you can see my small front garden, the gate, which no-one ever uses, and the lane.  Across from which are the blackberries.  And these two collecting the blackberries.  Into buckets.

I had to be held back from shouting "Hoy."

Saturday 1 October 2016

Proper Dawn

Now that Summer is almost over we have a proper dawn.  In that the Dawn Patroller can go for a walk at a reasonable time (tho not for me) 5 - 6 a.m.

The best time to see, and photograph, the local wild life.

Whooper Swans. Also arrive at this time of year to overwinter here.

Pheasants we have year round.  Although we have noticed this year a reduction in numbers.  And no sign of any young ones.  Hope (?) Ptolemy is surviving this dearth Jessica.

This delightful puss we viewed at a later hour while having dinner.

Although the same colour as our Sith, Sith was snoring in the sitting room.

My time for going oot and aboot is after lunch.  It generally takes me at least two hours to come round and get washed and dressed.  Up at 8 the DP brings me breakfast, toast, rhubarb and ginger jam.  A Cappucino.  So after lunch is when I go out, drive to the beach and record the wildlife.

The long way back to the car.  I sometimes wonder how I do it.

Tonight we have lit the wood burner but have had to also switch on the liquid gold burner.  It is freezing.  Tomorrow will be misty.  But when I venture out sunny, warm and no wind.  Proper Dawn !