Thursday, 31 December 2020

Wish I could replay yesterday!

Woke about 5 a.m. with a massive nosebleed.  Which repeated and repeated. Poor DP has had a lot of washing to do today.  Including me....

Have spoken to the GP who has prescribed some cream for the nostrils.  Strict instructions not to touch anything in the nostrils other than applying the cream.  All down to the oxygen apparently.  Just hope it doesn't happen again.

The DP said to me that Midsomer Murders et al never show enough blood on their murder victims!  As he gathered up the stained bedding to wash.  All now done.

2021 Bring it on.


Marjorie said...

Hugs. I hope it is okay now. More hugs.

Chris said...

So very true about Midsomer Murders but I like it that way!

The Furry Gnome said...

Sorry about that. But hope your New Year is better, better for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Jill & DP
Really hope that things get better for you,
we love your blog and never miss a day x
Wendy (Wales)

crafty cat corner said...

Sorry to hear about the nose bleed. I think you are right, it may be to do with the oxygen. Tom had one a few weeks ago that wouldn't stop and spent the night in Hospital, needless to say he's being very careful with the blowing of the nose now.
The trials and tribulations of oxygen but we wouldn't be without it.
Happy New Year to you both.

Amanda said...

Oxygen can dry out your nose something awful, makes the tissues thinner than tissue paper. (Learned that the hard way about 2 hospital stays ago!) Hope the cream helps. Huge "ups" to DP for taking on the laundry duty on that one.

it's me said...

Wishing you a better new year!

Carruthers said...

Midsomer Murders is unrealistic in lots of ways. We live in a village and I have to say there isn't anything like that level of serious crime.

busybusybeejay said...

I get nosebleeds and they make such a mess.Poor DP.All that washing .Poor you having to endure it.Not nice.
I hope it doesn’t happen again.

Bovey Belle said...

Nosebleeds are so messy. I was given some steroid spray for my nose to help combat my allergies, but that thinned the skin and I would have nosebleeds - all over my meal at one point. Had to stop using it. Hope yours have eased now.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Here's hoping for a better 2021 for you.

kjsutcliffe said...

Oh dear - poor you x I suspect the oxygen has dried out your nasal passages - ouch! Wishing you a new and vastly improved year xx

mamasmercantile said...

Hope all is well. Wishing you a better 2021, every blessing.

Ellen D. said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!🍾🥳 May the new year bring you much peace, good health, and joy. All that is needed to make your life sweet.

Debby said...

What a shocking start to the first day of the new year! I hope that the cream works.

hart said...

Sorry your New Year started like that. I hope there is no recurrence.

pat chester said...

Hope this doesn't happen again. Happy New Year for 2021, may our lives improve.

Jules said...

Oh dear! I hope you've been OK since. X