Tuesday 28 February 2017

Still here.

I am still here !

Since Saturday when I was informed I had a fracture of the spine I have been recovering from shock.  I have now managed to get the Co-Codamol down from 4 hourly to 6 hourly. Apparently the easing of the pain leads to your being relaxed and the healing process can crack on. But still takes up to 3 months.  But I dont know when it fractured tho I strongly suspect the car accident I had 12 months ago and flinging the chariot into the car damaged more.....  But as I have yet to speak to the GP......

Yesterday, it being a beautiful day and no wind, the DP drove me to the beach.  Where I discovered being upright and walking slowly it didnt hurt - that much - to walk.  I did .59 of a mile.

Great Blackback Gull doing wing stretch exercise.

A first for me - a Razorbill.  The photo is by the DP as it dived every time I tried to focus.

A painting I did some time ago of a Razorbill.

The worst side effect of the pain killers has been Heartburn..  I am hungry but as soon as I begin eating my oesophagus  burns.  Fortunately wine does not bring this on....

I have so far avoided the laxative powder.  I am watching my diet !  But as a side effect is on breathing and I have COPD seems a strange one to prescribe.

Most of my information has come from Google.  I have still not heard from my GP....If nothing tomorrow I will phone and go through the stress of speaking to a receptionist...  I do have a lot of questions.

As I trawled my way down to the shedudio I noticed Spring was springing.

Daffodils about to burst forth.

Snowdrops out.

Oriental Poppy coming up.

The birds are also indicating that it is almost Spring as they are appearing in obvious partnerships and investigating nest boxes.  The DP has cleaned them out.

The DP took in my paintings to Cafe Connect in Fraserburgh for my exhibition.  They were quite happy that I have more to come !

Still here so to do.

Saturday 25 February 2017

You just have to laugh - carefully.

With some pressure from the DP I dialled 111 - this is for advice on health problems.  

Basically I wanted to know what pain killer I could go for with all the other drugs I take. Paracetemol just wasnt working.  

Sadly today 111 was very busy and unless I thought I was having a stroke - in which case dial 999 for an ambulance - I was advised to call back later.  

So I then phoned the pharmacy and spoke to the pharmacist.  She listened to me and said I should see a doctor.  Next thing she phoned back and had made me an appointment at Peterhead Community Hospital to see a doctor..  She knew there were no doctors on duty in Fraserburgh.

So off we tootled.

The Doctor was as lovely as the pharmacist.  She listened, prodded, ow.  Then she was on the computer and saw my x ray results, from the x ray on Tuesday.

"You have a fractured spine."    Ye Gods.

So I am now on strong pain killers and the assurance it will get better but may take some time.

Now the laughing bit.  

She also prescribed laxatives as one of the side effects can be constipation. (see previous post.)

The orange juice worked by the way.

But she did say I could have a glass of wine.  So I am.  So far I havent fell over, gone to sleep, still coping with machinery (t.v.) and not driving as it hurts when I put the handbrake on....

Friday 24 February 2017

The upside.

Trying very hard to think positive.  

I managed to shuffle up and down the Prom/Esplanade.  Met office got it wrong again.  19 mph they said.  There was no wind.  Positive.

Fishing Boat returning to Harbour.

A flock of Linnets on the beach.

The Gull gang.

Oystercatchers by the rocks.

Finished the Harvest Mouse.

For the first time in my life, and apparently down to the Voltarol gel I am constipated.

I should save on loo roll.

Thinking positive.

And finally this is the 14th week I have not had a fag.  Altho one does wonder that having a new lease of life one overdid it which brought on the back pain..... Hey ho.

Thursday 23 February 2017

Thursday. Where is Doris?

With the help of the Dawn Patroller I made it to the beach.

I dont know where Doris was but she wasnt here.  The wind was cold but not too strong.

Although the Oystercatchers and Blackheaded gulls were sheltering.

Normally when in pain from my back I have walked with no problem.  It has been sitting/standing and picking something up from the floor being a total no no.  But some considerable damage must have occurred during that torture of the x rays being taken as I was in pain whilst walking.  So I didnt get far.

But a first for me.  A Glaucous Gull.

That is he/she with wings outstretched.

Sorting feathers out.

On returning home I was able to admire our gardeners erection of the trellis which will screen the oil tank.  He also, previously, had removed a Berberis from there, where the trellis now is, which had become totally out of control and was taller than the oil tank and had encroached on part of the drive which we didnt know we had.  The oil delivery man is well pleased its gone.  Honeysuckle plants are to be purchased and planted and anything else I can find that bees like. ( Hope the bees dont upset the oil man.)

Then it was down the shedudio.  I have to have work ready for exhibiting by Tuesday next week.  No panic there then. Ha. 

The Rook is finished, varnished and waiting for his hanging bits.  Harvest Mouse still being tweaked so while that dried after some tweaking, only his whiskers to do now, I began this goose.

My work station. Well part of.

We appear to have missed Doris.  Those of you who have met her I sympathise.  A few years back, before they named these storms, we had one of our gales which took the shedudios roof off.  So I am glad she didnt come this way.  But the replacement roof was fitted and supplied by a boat building joiners.  So I no longer worry about Doris or will it be Eric next?

Wednesday 22 February 2017


Yesterday I tootled off our local hospital for an x-ray.  On my lower back.  The Radiologist was lovely.  I had to strip off apart from my knickers and boots.  One look at my face she said I could leave the jeans on.  Taking off boots to take jeans off and then put back boots would have taken me half an hour.  (My jeans I had to push down when he photo was took.)

So with glamorous backless gown I was ready.

"On your back and on the bed."  

Now I am 4 feet 11 inches.  I can sit on my own bed and slowly and carefully lie down on my right side and swing slowly and carefully the legs up on to the bed.

Even with the bed lowered I could not sit on the hospital bed.  How I got on to the bed I know not but it brought on the worst pain ever.  Lying back the staff are not allowed to assist me by my clinging on to them as I go backwards.  Health and safety.  The pain was now almost unbearable.

After the photo was took she asked me to turn onto my left side.  Now there is nothing to hold on to - she still cannot help me.  Then she said I could have that done standing up.  Great I thought.  Now I will get the medical workers way of getting me up and off.  Where they assist you via under the armpit?  No . Health and Safety.

I got off and stood up.  Again I dont know how I did it.  She brought me a chair to sit on while I waited for everything to be set up for a standing patient.  The look I gave her was enough.  So I was left standing leaning against something.  No idea what as I was in total agony.  So when she was ready and said dont move I almost laughed.

Then I had to get dressed and depart.

When I got into the car park I had three attempts at putting the chariot in the boot and I just couldnt do it.  Fortunately a lovely man spotted me and did it for me.

When I got home our gardener was in putting some trellis up and so he helped get the walker out.

I have been in constant pain ever since.  Far worse than anything experienced before.  Apart from child birth and you know thats going to end at sometime soon. 

I hope the photos came out okay as there is no way I am going back again.

Even though she was lovely.  Just following the Elf and Safety .....

Monday 20 February 2017

Pain Relief.

Back ache.  It eases from getting out of bed (I scream) to moving about.

This morning I got up early (I screamed), so as to be on the phone at  8a.m. to the surgery for a doctors appointment.  It was engaged... But I did get through on the second attempt and nearly screamed with excitement.

Doctor prodded and poked.  I have an x ray appointment tomorrow morning.  But he nodded when I said, "Guess its old age."  He gave me a prescription for some cream to apply and told me to carry on with paracetemol - for now.  The cream has so many side effects I will wait for a diagnosis.  I have managed without the cream till now.

So - upwards and onwards.

40 mph gusts.  Battle on.

More pain relief. = Sit and watch the garden birds.

One of the many bully boys.  A Starling.  When the numbers increase so the little birds can't get near the feeders I apply a paint brush.  Sharp rap on the window.  Never fails.  And the little birds know that and return to the feeders swiftly.

Blackbird.  The other birds early warning system.  When a Sparrowhawk is near.

Painting.  = more pain relief.  Very therapeutic.  Almost finished these two.

And at the end of the day.

Sunday 19 February 2017

Fine day !

I think over 20 people said that to me while I was shuffling up the Esplanade.

The natives are very friendly round here.  "Aye. " was my reply.  

As indeed it was.  I can't talk and walk.  Normally its a smile exchanged and a nod.  

Today, being a Sunday, the prom and beach were busier.

And a lone paddle surfer.

Not many birds due to the amount of people, kids and dogs.

So home again jiggety jig.  Bit of Garden bird watching waiting for paint to dry.

I had a question as to what this bird is.

This is a Goldfinch.  We have lots visit our garden.  In the feeder are sunflower hearts which most of the birds love.  Goldfinch also love Niger Seed which is tiny and the holes in the feeder - not shown today - require a pointed beak to access.

Blue tit.

Great Tit.  We also have Coal tits but they are so quick I struggle to catch them on the camera.  Will keep trying.

We have masses of Tree Sparrows.  More than House Sparrows, but there are some.  Tree Sparrows have the chestnut brown spot on their cheeks.

Female Chaffinch.

and male.  I will try and capture the other birds we have visiting.  We spend a fortune on bird food - but it's worth it.

Back to the painting.  On the production line today.

Why I agreed to do an exhibition .... I also prepped some more canvases. The DP has been getting the finished ones strung for hanging.  I am enjoying the challenge.

Fine Day.

Friday 17 February 2017

Fridays doings - or not doings.

Today the weather peeps got it right.  It was Spring like.

Cloudy tomorrow but above average temperatures.  Hmm.  I am not walking as far as I should but my back pain is tiring me out.

After my walk I went to see my good friend who frames and mounts my paintings.  I showed him my new camera.  

When I came home I downloaded the photos on to the computer.  

Who is that sad old lady?

Ye gods - its me.

I am off to the docs next week.  My back is still killing me.  My youngest child reminded me that many years ago I was diagnosed with osteo arthritis.  Pregnancy hormones got rid of it.  I have had the odd twinge.  My hands dont work so good and my toes are at a funny angle.  I googled it.  Ticked every damn box.

Thank goodness its Friday.

Thursday 16 February 2017


The Dawn Patroller is back home.  


Ah the sharing.  He sat on the cat while I administered the ear drops.  Sith is eating like a pig so I am not sure whats in the ear drops.  He doesnt like the ear drops.  Quite appreciates the ear massage.  But then leaps onto the windowsill and shakes his head.  So I am overly pleased the DP is back as he can clean the window.

The weather here (I am British - we talk about the weather.)  was a complete change to yesterday.  It rained a lot and blew a lot.  

Only me and dog walkers today.

Tomorrow's forecast is for a better day weather wise.  

Fingers crossed.

I so wish I was able to do this at the adventure playground the family were at on Wednesday.

!!  Not normal Adventure Playground.  But what scary fun.

So back to normality.  I am now cranking up the work on the wee canvases.

This Rook on the Railing is just begun.

Mute swan awaiting varnishing.

Cat catching a mouse a few tweaks.

And the Chooks, Harvest Mouse still to be finished.

I have 2 weeks to get them finished plus 5 more. Normality = Panic.