Friday 26 August 2016

Getting older.

One of the most frustrating things about old age is forgetting nouns.


Trying to speak a name of a person, or thing.

We moved a plant recently for the patio and path to be constructed.  The times this plant has come up in conversation..... I describe it, where it was, where it now is, the fact that Rusty Duck said it would survive Armageddon.  That the plant I always wanted was a variety of said plant.

So while mentally going through the alphabet to get to said plants name and consistently coming up with the letter M.  It finally hit me. Or the brain.


Usually known as Crocosmia.  And the one I want is Crocosmia Lucifer.


Thursday 25 August 2016


I am still here!  
I always tried to inject my somewhat warped sense of humour into my blog posts.  But along the way I lost the sense of humour.  I am struggling back.  

Me at a very young age.

And now - on what I call the path of doom.  If its hot its like an oven.  But this is my walk every day. From the car to where the dunes start is .59 of  mile. Every day is my aim.  Behind me here is the turning point where the chariot cannot go. I turn and return to the car  -thats the .59 finish.  The blue railings are just the right height for me to grab on to and do my breathing exercises to regain control of my breathing.

I see some funny things on my daily walks.  This is a one to one tuition on surfing with warm up exercises which I have yet to see any of the professional surfers do.

 Or this !

Because of the many stops to put oxygen into my lungs (26% capacity - shit)  I get many photo opportunites  to picture the wildlife.  Small Tortoiseshell.

White collared snails. Which are really lovely and favour just one dead hogweed plant.

And then in the afternoon after my walk I am down the shedudio painting.  So life isnt all that bad.

And with my paintings I always have something to laugh at.