Saturday 31 March 2018

Open Shedudio Day 2.

Bit more of the Shedudio.  This from the door in.  Now I know they upload a bit quicker I shall concentrate more on what I actually want to show you!  So this one is still an experiment.

This morning I managed the Prom.  The DP dropped me off and went to check my tyres.  So there I was in the bitter cold and wind. Clinging on to the railings.

Never seen fishing off the beach before.

He had 2 fishing rods.

He caught - some rope?  And got his feet wet.

Back home and lunch.  Then it was Open Shedudio time.  Fire lit.  I had visitors!

A very talented young lady in her last year at Primary school.  Grandma bought one of my paintings!  Yay.  I gave the budding artist some paper, canvases and some art magazines.  

I am now very tired.  Weather looks to be improving. Hoping to get some more sea air in the morning before the last Open afternoon, although I have been asked if someone and kids can visit Monday afternoon.................. I said yes.

Friday 30 March 2018

My Shedudio Open Weekend.

Queues round the block - NOT.  Hey ho.

Just a taster.  The DP has now found the adjustments necessary on my camera so it doesn't take four hours to upload a video.  Have yet to try it - you should get more of the shedudio tomorrow once I have tested it.  This is one of the old settings so I will carry on regardless with the days events and hope it uploads before I lose my patience.  Not easy.

No visitors at all. BUT...drum roll.  While I was down in the shedudio I was watching the birds.

A first for our garden here.  Long Tailed Tit!!!!  And there were a pair.  And they came back again.  The DP is not happy.  He did not see them.  I phoned him to say they had been so he came down with his camera and sat, and sat.  Gave up.  Not long after they returned, oh dear.  But he should see them in the next few days as they are obviously now familiar with where the food is.

Also a returning lovely bird.

Lesser Redpoll.

In between bird watching I carried on with my painting of the handsome Dyson.

Hoping I do not make a mess of this one.....

Here he is and also visited today.

My shedudio is open tomorrow and Sunday afternoon.  One things for sure, I never get bored, even if no human visits.

Thursday 29 March 2018


Weather description.  Rain, wind, bit of snow, cold.  Bleurgh.

I went for my 6 weekly hair do.

Very short.  

While I was in the hairdressers we discussed what clients said to her and how she had to keep it schtum.  Like a confessional.  Along the way I was rambling on about my children and she said how many again, I said 4, and they got closer together, so we had him snipped, and a voice from the back shouted, "What programme was that you were watching?"

I shouted back, "Real Life,  not a programme"  The hairdresser and I then could not stop laughing.  

I think, to be honest that is my main reason for going to the hairdressers.  For a belly laugh.

After which I went to the Prom.  Parked the car.  Got out, did not use the chariot, staggered to the railings, braved the wind and the rain.

Yet again, another wild sea.

And the Gull Gang and Oystercatchers and deep gulps of sea air, which I firmly believe keeps me going.

Back down the shedudio and more on Dyson.

I have been asked about the size of the shedudio.  I am not sure as I cannot find the measure.  It replaced a static caravan that was lived in till the house was built.  I will try and measure.   But tomorrow I am open shedudioing.  So you will have to wait.

The DP today bought this wonderful bird feeding station.

Some of the feeders are ours.  But the stand and everything else - £10 from Lidl .  Get one or two.  I want three.

So far this evening, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Blue Tit, Robin, Goldfinches, Tree Sparrow.  WONDERFUL.  Outside the dining room patio door.  Happy.

Albeit the weather is Bleurgh.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Promenade.Painting and Pheasants.

A very gloomy day, with a light wind, and cold.  Typical March weather?

Just look at that sky.  The sea was very rough.  No surfers today - or boats.

The Herring Gulls are in force, choosing mates or reinforcing previous relationships, and being very loud about it all.

A shouting Gull.

Oystercatchers paddling.

Lesser Black Backed Gulls returning to the North East of Scotland from South England and the Mediterranean.


Later my friend L came to paint.  She was doing a Highland Cow.  I was doing Dyson.

Exhausted after talking art for two hours!  

L's son is our joiner and he called in to measure up for insulating more of the shedudio, fitting double glazing and new doors that dont rattle in the ever present wind!  I just hope I can afford it all.....

Later while we were having our evening meal in the dining room who came calling but Dyson and two lady friends, (both called Hetty.)   Poor photo as it began to rain again but all three are in this.

It is now obvious we are in the breeding season.  Pairs of every species we have in the garden, many, are now collecting nesting material.  Isnt nature wonderful.  So glad I didnt have to walk around with a mouthful of twigs and straw...........

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Wet and Windy.

Weather really affects my mood.  Very gloomy today, and so am I.  Lots of things I could/should have done today.  But the list remains without any ticks.

My walk was to the shedudio.  I sorted the piles on the work table into piles.  Done, W.I.P. and a pile of paper to paint on.

Dyson came visiting.  I have taken some close ups of his feathers.  Really amazing.

Hope you agree.

A shuffle and a shake.

This last photo is of Hoover, taken a couple of days ago.  Quite a difference in the colours.

Better weather forecast for tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.  I need my vitamin sea.

Monday 26 March 2018

20/20 vision!

Way to go.  69 and I have 20/20 vision.  I just need the magnifying lenses for my art work.  So reading glasses on their way.  Frames from the teenage range of course.  Tip - they are much cheaper and more funky.  Plus a free pair of Sunglasses.  Hope the woman who was sorting that out took on board I need the sunglasses for driving not reading.... this has just struck me.....

Brief trip to the Prom for the lung fulls of air.

Beautiful afternoon.  Pity most of it was inside the Opticians.

My favourite dog was on the beach.

Warms the cockles.  Lovely dog.

Back home.

Sith cat on guard.  In the sun.

Crow painting/pen and ink, finished.

Dyson Pheasant.  We now have four different male Pheasants visiting the garden, Dyson, Hoover, Vax and Henry.  The females are all called Hetty.  Which of the males will be the Romeo of all the Hetties - well who knows.

I may have 20/20 vision but I aint psychic.

Sunday 25 March 2018

I got up at 6 a.m. thinking it was 7 a.m. which it was! 7 a.m is still an hour early for breakfast for me.  Then I was starving at 11 a.m. or was it 12?  Give in.

This afternoon, post meridian (?) I did get out to the Prom.

Back to hat and gloves and coat.  Chilly stiff breeze.

It being Sunday afternoon, not many birds on the beach, too many people, kids and dogs.

These birds on the beach - well, it was cold, it was windy, but there is a need to take a selfie.  Which, of course, you have to strip off for.  Ah to be young and foolish.  But I always kept me back warm. 

On the horizon a Shetland Ferry.

On its way to Aberdeen.

Back home and Garden bird watching.

The pile of Lilac tree branches we left piled up outside the shedudio for shelter for the wee birds was discovered by Mrs Sparrow Hawk.

Who had her beady eye on the wee birds.  A Blackbird did make a run for it and was chased - with no result. Phew.

Later another Pheasant, we think we shall call this one Vax.

To end.  Should really be Sith cats name.

He thinks way too much.

Tomorrow I have my first visit to the Optician post cataract op.  I need new glasses to be able to focus to paint and draw.  Although sight is wow.  My eyes ache when painting and drawing.  Cross fingers please my friends.