Thursday 30 November 2017


Yet another high wind and hail storm day.  But I had arranged to meet my friend M who is also from West Yorkshire and we usually have a good laugh.  Best sort of friend to have.

We met at the Museum of Scottish Lighthouses.  Which is in Fraserburgh.  It also was the Visit Scotland Visitor Information Centre until VS decided they would concentrate on internetting.  Despite many people coming to said VIC to speak to a person rather than a machine.......

We had met to view the Art exhibition put on from our local college.

And were impressed.  The few things missing were labels to say what medium had been used, paint, crayon, charcoal.  And something for visitors to write in their comments on the exhibition.

After the viewing we went up the stairs, me on an extremely ancient and slow stair lift, to the cafe.

The pathway of the stair lift.


The views out today.

The 'new' coffee machine.  Which delivered me the worst cappuccino I have ever had in my life.  The second one, after I complained was better.

On the way home I stopped at the Prom.  Stayed in the car.

Tomorrow I hope to be able to walk along the prom......Forecast so far is promising.  

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Deep breath.

First an apology!  Its not terminal (although isn't everything!) the terminology is 'End stage'.  Basically it means they haven't  a clue what to do next.

I actually feel far more positive.  If I can keep fit - did my pulmonary physio exercises this morning.  
This afternoon the wind had dropped to 19 mph from 30+ ha ha.. So to the Prom.  I had leggings, jeans, waterproof trousers on my nether regions.  4 layers on the top, and waterproof, windproof coat, woolly hat and scarf round mouth.  No way I could have 'pulled'!  Not that there were many others there...

There were masses of Sea birds.

Masses of Oyster Catchers.  Herring Gulls and a young Great Black Backed top right hand.  The wind was coming from the shore on a slant - I still havent worked out why they mostly face the same way.  I do know that as I walked alongside the wind was behind me.  On my way back it was in my face.  So for the birds it would have been in their faces.  So not disturbing their feathers?

Black Headed Gulls in winter plumage.  In the breeding season they have black heads. The red legs are a give a way for identification.

The Golden Horn at the entrance to Fraserburgh Harbour is a beacon, not a lighthouse, to guide the boats in.  In the forefront are the massed Oystercatchers.

Further along the beach, Scurries and Black Headed.

The Kessock Burn entering the North Sea.

And could this possibly be an artist?

One motorised scooter. Belching out fumes which made me worry about what lung function I had left.

Carving out designs on the beach.

It takes all sorts.

I prefer to see Nature's art work.

And some of my own.  A Mountain Hare.  They are now changing colour from brown to white as the snows come.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Bucket list.

Today I went for my 'regular' breathing clinic assessment.  Last time I went was August 2016.  But that is the state of the Health Service now I guess.  I am supposed to have this at least once a year.

Before I continue I have to say that 'my' nurse has always been totally supportive, helpful, and knowledgeable, sympathetic and knows her stuff.  So when she tells you this is now the terminal stage of your Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)  you LISTEN UP.  She then went on to say no-one knows how long this terminal stage is - it could be 10 years.  So I will go with that!

There is no more medication than what I already take.  There is no cure.  Which I knew.  My oxygen levels were at 96%.  That is amazing.  She refused to give me the spirometry thing which I have always called 'the blow job'.  This could now damage my lungs.  I have to avoid getting another chest infection.  That is what will cause further damage from now on in.  

So - Bucket list.  

But first I went to the Prom and stared at the North Sea.

We continue to have high winds and hail storms.  

I am to continue drawing and painting.  And I shall continue to drink red wine.  And walk on the Prom.  And take photos of the Gull Gang.  And go down to the shedudio.  

So there you go and so do I.  Ha ha.  So Bucket list.  I shall be a while thinking of that and what I can actually do.   Dunno.

These are Sanderlings taken by the DP.  I see a painting or two so not going yet!

Monday 27 November 2017

Pulmonary Physio.

Weather report.  Dark, cold, 39 mph winds, frequent hail showers/downpours. GO AWAY..

This afternoon was my regular check in with my physiotherapist.  I have a set of exercises to do to keep my lungs working.  I am supposed to do them every other day.  Some days I just do not feel up to it, but I manage at least 3 to 4 in a 7 day period.  I have a 'diary' to keep and write in how many of each exercise and whether the breathing was at the 3 level, recommended or 4 which is not.  3 is where your lungs are pushed.  4 is too much.  If you want to know more google it.  If you are affected by lung problems go for Pulmonary physio.  You can self refer.

Quad exercise.  I have weights on each ankle.  I do 22 on each leg before I become breathless.

Arms.  Why these women look so smiley I know not.  I find this one a killer.  Raise weights above head, out to front, then to side.  Thats one.  I do 8 of the set.  I then have to sit down and play a game of solitaire.

Step ups.  This is testing how imminent death might feel.

I do these on the bottom step of our stairs.  Its been over 12 months since I went up the stairs.  You lead with one leg for, in my case 6 ups and downs, then the other 6 ups and downs leading with the other leg.  After which I find 2 games of solitaire is required.

Pole raises.

You can ignore that image.  SIT DOWN and raise a walking stick with a weight wrapped round it lift up high and back down, which I can do 21 times , how about that, 21 times.  I should point out to remember breathe in then lift the pole as you breathe out.  Otherwise it doesnt work in exercising your lungs - it kills you.  Well you won't do more than one lift.....

Sit to stand .  Arms crossed, to stop you cheating and pushing yourself up.  Also what they do not tell you is make sure the chair is wedged up against something otherwise you will shoot across the room and kill yourself.  Then you stand.  And  repeat.  I can do this 16 times.  Again remember to breathe in then out as you stand.  Otherwise, thats right, you will probably be dead.

Marching on the spot.  I am sure you dont need an illustration. But here is one anyway. Swinging arms, knees high, I am surprisingly good at this and can do 20 times, which is actually 40 steps as you can only record both legs marching.  Confused?  Yes so am I.  Though why I become totally breathless at 6 steps to the loo is beyond me, presumably I forget to take a deep breath.

There you go - every other day.  

I did a few courses of pulmonary physio.  But as we Brits like to think oh its only a cold I can do it and then infect most of the class with chest infections,,,, once I finally completed a course - and got cards of congratulations from the physios - I refused to return.  So now I do it on my own and just have to report in, which I did today.

Quick look at the sea.  

Not a surfer in sight.

Sunday 26 November 2017

Soggy Sunday..

The car started!  I was so relieved.  The DP does so much for me I didnt want him to have to take me down to the beach to just look at the sea and then come back again.  That is what happened. I got in the car, it started, I went down to the Prom and parked.  Praying the car would start again. It did.

 Having checked the weather I knew the wind was to be 30 + mph and indeed it was.  Then a down pour of rain which bounced as it landed.

I opened the car window to take this photo.

The next two were through the rain spattered windscreen.  Despite the wind and the cold there were still 2 surfers in the sea.  This is one of them heading out to the waves.

One has to admire their dedication/madness.

Back home to a hail storm.

The birds are out there scoffing their grub.

Inside the shedudio I was painting.

This needs a different approach.  The original photograph has to have been photoshopped.  I could carry on, I probably will and see how it ends up.  A learning curve for sure.  Way out of my comfort zone!

Here is the original.  Beautiful.

The Redshanks continue.  

As do I.  

Saturday 25 November 2017

Independence Day - not.

We still have snow lying.  So cold.  I even put the liquid gold heating back on last night although  the wood burner was roaring away which normally heats the lower part of the house in the evening.  But I was cold.

Today the wind has increased and increased and is still howling around outside.  We have become soft!  We don't have icy pictures on the windows inside any more!  But I was so cold.

I do do facebook, I know many people do not.  One of the interesting (?) things is it has is where you can check back on what you did on this day, last year, year before et al.

So it was interesting to see how before I stopped smoking in December last year I had continuous chest infections in November and had to take antibiotics and steroids.  And then stopped.  And then beginning of this year increased my walking each day.  Until the back pain began and then eventually diagnosed with Osteopenia.  More drugs for that.  But I am still here, battling on.

So today.  Wind howling but I decided I would just drive to the Prom and look at the sea.  And the car would not start.  I was totally devastated.  I cannot comfortably get my chariot into the DP's car as it only has 2 doors.  I nearly had a melt down.  Independence gone.  Panic. Drawing breath I contacted our lovely garage which are actually one of our nearest neighbours and out he came.  Flat battery.  Charged up and the DP went off to give it a run.  It was dark by the time he returned but fingers crossed I can go look at the sea tomorrow.

So I spent the afternoon painting .

More on the Redshanks.

And something totally different.

Hoping I can get out tomorrow under my own steam.

Friday 24 November 2017

Good Friday. I do know its November but it was Good.

Land of the Big Sky.  This time of year one is more aware of the Big Sky.

The three photographs above were all taken at the same time - just moving the camera along.

Down below .

One of the biggest fishing boats heading for harbour.

A better view of the size of the thing with the Surfers bobbing about.  I swear they just go for a craik (chat).

The DP took the two above which show at the other side of the bay a Surfer who knew how to do it.

And one of the female of the Surfer species.  

A lone member of the Gull gang.  Tide almost high.  Blackheaded.

Back home and the birds are gathering for food.  The bird feeders outside the kitchen window get filled in the morning, then the ones outside the shedudio in the afternoon.  And THEY KNOW!.

In between bird watching I continued with my latest painting of Redshanks and throwing salt around.  Salt does wonderful effects onto the paint.  As you should be able to see from the foreground rocks.  The salt is removed after it has performed it's magic.

This evening the DP and I watched the last of The Loch series which I had taped, cant stand adverts so taped, we can whip through them.  Really enjoyed the Loch.  Good acting and an exciting end.  Though they didn't find the last body - of the killer......