Saturday 19 May 2018

Struggle day.

Managed to avoid the wedding, well most of,  and the football.

Got to the Prom as usual.  Got out of the car, hung on to the railings.  Wind was plus 20 mph.  In my face if I had set off, instead I returned to the car and came home.

Today has been a day struggling with breathing and moving.

So the afternoon was in the shedudio.  Preparing canvases for painting on, which means painting them with ground.  One I grounded yesterday I began a painting of two Gannets.

The canvases I am now preparing are bigger than the ones I have done before.  Exciting.

I have a Hare planned for an even bigger one than this.

My ankle has got much better.  The DP redressed it today.

Hoping tomorrow is less of a struggle.


mamasmercantile said...

It is gale force winds here today so I am hoping this storms passes over quickly. Hope you are feeling a little better today. The canvas looks amazing, I am excited for you painting on larger canvas's.

DUTA said...

Could it be that the painting materials affect your breathing? After all, these are chemicals. I suppose, however,there are more natural substitutes out there, and you probably know about them.
Lovely two pictures!