Coat on and went to the Prom. What a difference in the weather. Sea was grey. No sun, gloomy. But still clean, fresh, sea air.
Walked from the car to the railings. Deep breathing. Well - deep for me. The diaphragm moved a bit.
Being a bit later than my usual all the lunch people had gone so the car park and beach were almost empty.
Just the Oystercatchers.
Doing their thing.
And this one having a stretch. As you do.
Back home.
Stove lit.
Bit of painting.
A pair of Siskins! Yay.
Close up of the male. Bonnie wee birds.
So - let us see what tomorrow brings. The retired fisherman I now have a chat with on the Prom says its going to sna. Snow in English.
So long as this lurgy goes as quickly as it zapped me and leaves me with sufficient lung function to get to the Prom I'll be fine.