Saturday, 7 July 2018


The DP has been off on a jaunt with his photographic society today to Huntly Falconry Centre.  Some fantastic photographs by the group, but I particularly like this one.  Our friend, Mark Grant, took this one.

Meanwhile, here, it was very cloudy, and relatively cool.  So I went for the newspaper to Lidl and then to the Prom before lunch instead of my usual after lunch.

As you can see in Huntly the weather was hot, sunny, and the DP has returned, despite the factor 30 sun cream, glowing.

The Gull Gang.

Very few people on the beach.

I would rather see Gulls than people!

The sun eventually appeared mid afternoon.  It is now 16 minutes past 9 p.m.  The sun is shining and it is hot.

The DP and I watched a very strange Father Brown I had taped, which actually involved some really hedonistic characters which was somewhat strange for the 1950s the programme is set in, but all good fun ?  Well we enjoyed it.

Later this week we are having a visitation from relatives.  Our niece and husband and two children to whom I am Great Aunt.  God that makes me feel really old.  Great Aunt.......  Last time I saw the two parents was when they got married.  I actually missed the ceremony as I was with one of my kids in Glasgow A&E as there was an accident to the knee, which involved said knee being manipulated back into the correct position.  I then became totally pissed at the reception, getting over the shock of listening to bones being rammed back.

This is me in the middle and my four lovely kids.  Outside where the wedding reception was .  Before any of them made me a Grandma!  And before I became a Great Aunt.  But I will make sure I am known as Just Jill to the new generation.


Jean. said...

In your past posts you have remarked on people sitting in cars with the engine running, and like you I thought why on earth would they do that. Today, I had a "light bulb" moment. Who would sit in a car this weather, well, people with air con, lovely cold air con. For this you need the engine running, but the windows should be shut or it defeats the object.

MarleneS said...

Hi Jill thankyou for your comment on my old blog, just to let you know I have started a new blog so if you click on the name here you should find me.