Friday 2 October 2020

So I stumbled and I fell.

 Sorry.  Back up now.  

Oystercatchers.  Lift my spirits.

As do my friends here on blogger.  Thank you.


marlane said...

Thanks so much for carrying on with blogging.

Jackie said...

I hope there are no lasting effects from your fall.

God bless.

Marjorie said...

Thanks. Glad you are still with us. I need my oystercatcher fix. We have been told that as of tomorrow we can't have contact with anyone outside of our household. I will go nuts if I follow this. I have four people in my bubble who are mask wearers and very conscious of social distancing etc and I need them. We wear masks and social distance. Talking on the phone is not the same as real life.

Tigger's Mum said...

It's that red coat that did it no? That coat would have to lift anyone's spirits. xx F

Bovey Belle said...

Sounds like an ouchy day. I hope you're not too black and blue. Take care.

Anonymous said...

You are amazing, it is so hard to keep on keeping on with all you have to deal with. I am full of admiration and you are most definitely allowed to moan when you need to.

Jean said...

Glad you are still here. Love the oyster catchers.

Tom Stephenson said...

I hate the thought of people falling over. Glad you're up again.

Gail, northern California said...

I'm relieved. I was so afraid you had decided to end your blogging days. Reading your blog, viewing all the photos--especially the sea birds and surf club kids--provides the distraction we need. For a few brief moments we're not thinking about the massive fires that surround us, or the next case of Covid-19. Thank you.

mamasmercantile said...

Glad all is well.