Wednesday 23 October 2019

Getting a Grip.

So I survived the visit to the Chest Consultant.  Very thorough she is we went through everything.  She is concerned at my haywire blood pressure readings following the collapse I had.  I was not aware of the readings!  I am to go for a heart scan to see if the COPD is affecting my heart which can happen apparently.  

Also she is to speak again to the Oxygen team to see if they consider the latest readings indicate I  would now benefit from a supply of Oxygen.  All this reinforced my mantra of not letting COPD beat me.  I intend to extend my walking distance.  Get back my painting mojo and just generally get on with everything.  The Consultant finished off with telling me I had done well not to be kept in hospital which made me even more determined to Get a Grip!!!

I went to the Prom on my own.  The DP has probably had enough of me today!

Strange wee boat.  Orion.

The beach was deserted when I got there.  Soon filled with dog walkers.

Kessock Burn off on a meander again.

Gull Gang do not mind.

The tide advances.

Instead of a Sunset which I missed - here is the Sunrise from this morning.  Well I had to be up early....

From the front of our house.



busybusybeejay said...

Glad it went well and look forward to seeing some paintings.If only I could draw.

kjsutcliffe said...

Keep on being defiant! Your mojo will return xx

Beacee said...

Glad it went well for you, and they are taking your needs seriously. Keep on keeping on! x

wherethejourneytakesme said...

Glad the visit has given you a a bit of a nudge into action. At least the consultant is covering all bases for you to help you cope with this disease. Having said that don't push yourself too much - a bit of balance is a good thing (I keep telling myself that!!).
I have missed the paintings. Love the picture with the Gull gang and the swirls.

Jackie said...

That's the way to be don't let it get you down. I wish I could draw or paint.

God bless.

Bovey Belle said...

Good for you. I hope your heart isn't getting dicky too, but I am sure they will give you something to make things less erratic. The pill I am on (taken at night) makes my heart race sometimes which is rather unpleasant and I can't sleep until it steadies down to its normal too slow rhythm (which is apparently normal for me).

Sue in Suffolk said...

Seeing a sunrise here this morning would be good - it's grey and foggy and supposed to get worse!
Hope your plans work out today

The Weaver of Grass said...

Incredible sunrise Jill.

Rosie said...

You are an amazing lady and I admire you for your determination to keep on top of things.