Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Wednesday witterings.

 Green snake fixed.  The green snake comes from the oxygen creating machine in the dining room and snakes through to the bedroom.  It delivers a constant low level of oxygen during the night.  So the oxygen readings were 89 when I woke up.  I had fixed the tubes tighter - obviously without throttling myself.

Level 2 selected on the oxygen bottle I have in the chariot for when I move.  Having said all that today was a breathing struggle day.  But still here to tell the tale.

Despite a vampiric nurse crashing through the front door as we were having lunch.  She extracted a fair bit of blood.  Had no idea why she was doing it.  Something about the blood count.  I know about that as it was done before.  I have more red blood cells than normal.  Due to scarring of the lungs.. So why again?  One day I will find out.

Not much of a walk on the Prom then.

Fair bit of boat activity.

Not much people activity.

Ah the Oystercatchers.

Then home and the sunset.  Roll on the 21st December when sunset becomes later and later.

So we can all meet up and spread the virus over Christmas.   No thank you.  I will wait for the jab.

We did meet a friend today on the prom.  She was out with her dogs.  She had had coronavirus.  Tested positive after losing sense of smell and having brain fog.  That was it.  Self isolated for the required time and back out again.  Back to work tomorrow.  In one of the local surgeries.....

Its a mad world.


Jackie said...

Glad that you got the snake fixed.

What lovely photos and the sunset ones are gorgeous.

God bless.

Tigger's Mum said...

Love that photo with the 3 oyster catchers in it - and lovely sunsets you get blessed with there.

Jean said...

The oyster catchers and sunset are wonderful

Chris said...

Your friend was lucky to have such a mild dose. We should all be so lucky! Not expecting to get the vaccine here any time soon as no company manufactures it here so we will be waiting behind other places. Plus only the elderly, health compromised and essential workers will get it initially. The rest of us will have to wait!