Monday, 16 November 2020

Who I Am.

 Telling me not to do something is always dangerous.  Telling me to do something I do not want to do equally so.

Some years ago I attended very serious crafting sessions at the Seamens Mission.  I struggled.  Flower making was not me.  I got told off.....Letting the side down.....

So when some prat of a consultant tells me to start taking anti depressants as they can do no more for me.  Well I will just do something for me instead thank you.

Who needs chemicals when you have this?

I spoke to a woman who has started to walk on the prom with a walker.  Similar to my chariot but without the bling.  I suggested she start with a horn.  Mine is pink.  Her husband looked horrified.

Freezing cold.  This is not me - just a fellow nutter.

This is not an old age thing.

I have always been like it.  I got chucked out of the Brownies as I baptised one of the Pixie group in the font.  She didnt drown.

Me as a bride.

What fun.

The Gull Gang.  I paint pictures of birds when they make me smile.

All together now.

And this years Christmas Card.  

Make you smile?

I do not need anti depressants. 

So there.


The Furry Gnome said...

Good for you!

Sooze said...

Your antidepressants are much more natural - and a lot more fun! And yes your Christmas card for this year makes me smile. You're a tonic, Jill.

Tom Stephenson said...

Anti-depressants are just too convenient for doctors. I have already commented on your Christmas Card!

crafty cat corner said...

I'm in your gang Jill. I have always hated authority of any kind. It's got me this far and I'm glad I'm one of those who have a mind of their own. I don't follow the crowd.
Mind you it isn't always the right path but that's just me.
I agree with you, have a wine. Antidepressants don't solve the problem in the long run. I remember Tom being given them years ago for a bad neck??? I threw them in the bin. It's the easy way out for Doctors.
Keep trucking, lol

Ellen D. said...

That Christmas card is perfect! Well done! You seem to know how to take care of yourself. Keep it up!

Dahlia88 said...

Whatever gets you through.....

Tracy said...

That really is a very jolly Christmas Card! The gulls look like they are having a good laugh at the expense of the consultant...

Maria said...

Of course you don't need those pills. You are so great and strong. Get as much Prom as you can. Love to read you.
Carolina from Portugal

Bovey Belle said...

Love that Christmas card.

You have your own take on life, thank heavens, and a positive outlook. Good for you.

it's me said...

That’s what it takes! Go for it!

Rachel Phillips said...

I love the Christmas card.

Jackie said...

I say the longer you can do without the chemicals the better.

God bless.

mamasmercantile said...

Good for you you. Love the Christmas card.