Monday, 9 November 2020

A strange day.

Farcical day.  Email and phone call from  Care Company.  Apologies.  "It wasn't me it was....... and shes on holiday..... "  Okay.

Anyway seem to be sorted and back on my agreed times.  So I can have my telephone consultation with the consultant tomorrow.  All clean and dressed!

Then I had a complete melt down with the receptionist at the doctors surgery re the blood tests.  Resulting in a phone call from the paramedic I often deal with.  A satisfactory explanation of what is going on.  Apparently I have more red blood cells than most people.  ?  To be rechecked beginning of December.  She also made an appointment on the telephone for counselling on the anxiety with my chosen favourite GP.

Then the new foot woman did not turn up.  She later contacted me to say she had turned up but no-one answered the door.  Not sure which house she had gone to as we were in.

We did go out over an hour after the foot appointment.

An improvement in the weather.  Still misty here and there but better visibility.

Gull Gang.

Not many people.  The beach.

Now an Oystercatcher overload!

I am now calmer.

I have a new appointment with the foot lady.  I shall be on high alert!


Jackie said...

It never rains but it pours. I am glad that you got things straightened out with the foot nurse. Hopefully your favourite physician will help you even more.

God bless.

lynney62 said...

Jill, has anyone heard any news about "Weaver of Grass"? I have followed her for years and I know she has fallen and broken her hip...sad. But I am wondering if any fellow blog followers have heard anything about how she is doing now? I keep her in prayers.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Hope your foot lady rings you when she's at your house so you can make sure she really is there and not somewhere else!

crafty cat corner said...

I understand your anxiety Jill. Tom seems to be niggled by small things now that once didn't bother him and lets face it we are all seemingly living in a pressure cooker at the moment.
I know some people will skoff at this suggestion but we both practice 'Jin Shin Jyutsu' sounds funny but is simply a practice of holding each finger in turn and relaxing and I can tell you it works, sort of meditation. here's a link for you.
Each finger represents a part of the body and Tom regularly holds his ring and little finger for the lungs and heart. He finds it helps him a lot.
There's lots on the net to read about it. It may be worth giving it a go.

crafty cat corner said...

Meant to say that you can do this anywhere as people will not notice.

mamasmercantile said...

Hope that you will find some peace when you chat to your favourite GP. So glad that your carers and a new appointment for your feet was sorted, hopefully that will help. So glad you were able to get out for your walk.