Thursday, 12 November 2020

Taking control.

I loved Tom Stephenson's post about setting aside time to worry.  15 minutes get your worrying over.  I am trying really hard not to worry about things I can do nothing about.

The antidepressant pill was collected today by the DP from the pharmacist.  She said I could drink my red wine.  Only worry she had was I would be drowsy but as its low dosage and to be taken before bedtime she was not concerned.  

My family were justly concerned but there is a limit to not curtailing the few pleasures I have, red wine being one of them.  

So I have girded up my loins and when I become anxious to ask myself can you do anything about this?  If the answer is yes, do it, if not forget it.  Be a few 15 minutes there at first Tom.

For a start the anxiety over the pill.  I am not taking it tonight.  I will read the leaflet in the packet - not Google - tomorrow and then decide.

So away for the anxiety ridding Prom.

Just look at that view.

No wind today.  I walked a bit but not the full walk as along the way I was chatting.  One friend I met announced she had Covid but was now out of isolating.  I still took a few steps back.  For once I wished it was windy  blowing her full in the face.


I see you.

The Gull Gang meeting place.

A few people and a dog.

Four o clock and the sun goes down.

Much more positive.  Thanks for all your support.  And Tom for making me think.  Taking control can be done.


Tom Stephenson said...

Beautiful views. By the way, I am not advocating the set-aside time to worry, only relating it. I am the last person to recommend anything like that. Everything will be alright. Don't trust me, trust yourself.

vic said...

That sounds like such good advice about worrying. So many times we just go over and over the same problem or anxiety which has no solution---like a gerbil running on a wheel. It goes nowhere and just uses up our energy.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Good to have a coping plan - Hope today is a good one for you

mamasmercantile said...

Sounds like a great coping plan. It's nice to be able to get out to the prom for a walk its still a little bit too windy here.

Rachel Phillips said...

Whatever helps you is what matters and talking about it is half the battle and you'll soon be wondering what you were worrying about.x