Monday, 2 November 2020

Monday comes around.

And still reasonable weather.  Sunshine most of the day.  Gentle breeze.

Tomorrow carer then cleaning company.  So just doodling along today.

Prom after lunch.  I walked my whole walk.

Some boat movement today.

Still lots of seaweed coming up.  Not many birds around.

Blackheaded Gull in winter plumage.  Hence no black head.  Very noisy birds.  All alone on the beach.  It was a very high tide.  We have a full moon at the moment.

In one of the shelters.  A bike shed!  Including our neighbour who has an electric bike out with his cronies.

I went down to the Shedudio and looked at the pies of stuff to sort out.  Then I came back up to the house as the sun set.

My daughter in Lincoln is worried as their wrap around child care are unsure whether they are to continue or not.  So if she is expected to return to work she cant just leave her kids before the school day starts or after it finishes.

The nightmare continues.


Jackie said...

Wonderful pictures.

Can they use an electric bike on the prom?

God bless.

Bovey Belle said...

I'm glad you had nice weather and got your full walk in.

Worrying about your daughter's child care - I hope it can be sorted out.

DUTA said...

Parents are very worried here too. Whether open or closed, schools and child care wrap cause great anxiety.So far the focus has been on the elderly and vulnerable because these people are the ones with the symptoms, but lately it is the young, asymptomatic ones that draw attention of the medical authorities.

Ellen D. said...

Lovely photos! Hope your daughter can work out her childcare problem. Glad you got your walk today!

Maria said...