Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Tuesday I got through.

Carer came and washed me, creamed me, dressed me.  We did no hair washing as time was up.  Then hearing aids in and sat by the phone.  Head of the Respiratory Clinic.  Question and answers from both sides.  They can do no more for me.  He will ask the Oxygen team to speak to me.

I prefer honesty and I got it.

If it were not for COVID stopping me I would just carry on.  Seeing my friends, seeing my family.  Not sure what to do now.  Carry on I guess as well as I am able.

Tomorrow I put in the hearing aids so I can hear my GP and listen to what he has to say to help me through the anxieties that appear from nowhere.  

Here is where I can breathe, can walk, can feel good.

 My soul sings here too.  So I will battle on.


Ellen said...

Keep going Jill. Lots of us are rooting for you! I live in Shetland and take lots of puffin photos. Would you like any to paint? I’m happy to give them to you.

Jean said...

Take one day at a time, keep going to the prom and keep painting. Oh and don't forget blogging.We need to see the beach and birds too.

Bovey Belle said...

I am glad that you can be yourself still, despite all the anxieties and breathing problems, when you are at the beach. Keep on keeping on.

Jackie said...

You do what you need to do, stay as active as you can, keep going to the prom. I am rooting for you from across the pond.

God bless.

vic said...

Keep on posting and painting. You are an inspiration to all of us. Keep on going despite all the difficulties that you encounter.

mamasmercantile said...

I am rooting for you too take each day as it comes.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Sending Love from Suffolk to you. Keep getting that Vitamin Sea

crafty cat corner said...

We were told that they could do no more for Tom some months ago. It's not pleasant being told that is it? Like you, we were passed over to the respiratory team but they really have no power to prescribe drugs, just to oversee the oxygen. It's heart breaking to watch Tom struggle and I'm sure the DP feels the same way over you.
The only way to deal with things is to try to make each day count doing something you love, your art for example.
I hope you get some help with the anxiety that will go a long way to making things better for you.
virtual hugs

Tom Stephenson said...

Yes, all we can do is carry on. Most of us are going through more negativity than we feel we deserve right now, I know I am. I just have to force myself to stop thinking about it every now and then. Where you live looks so good for you - even if it is just watching it through a car window. I love looking at the photos on your blog.

Ellen D. said...

Yes, one day (or one step) at a time will get you through. Enjoy what you can and rest when you must. Your posts and your paintings bring much beauty and joy to us! Thank you so much!

Gail, northern California said...

Don't beat yourself up, Jill. The inability to breathe normally would cause anxiety for anyone.

it's me said...

I’ve never posted before, but read your blog daily and thought I should tell you how much I enjoy it. You bring beauty and inspiration to many. Thank you .

Tracy said...

Please remember that doctors can give you their medical opinion, but it is just that, an opinion. It doesn't take into account that there is a lot more to life than just the 'science bit'. Carry on doing what you enjoy and sharing it with us. X

Jules said...

Keep on keeping on, Jill. X