Sunday, 1 November 2020


Much better weather.  Wind eventually eased, it stopped raining and the sun came out.

 I walked.

A strangely dressed jogger.

Battleship on the horizon.  Probably to keep us in.

A wee surfer.

The untidy Shedudio. 

November blooms and my tinkly Toadstools.

The cat.

Thats it for today.  Trying to assimilate all the changes in our lives.  Nae guid.


kjsutcliffe said...

The weather here didn't stop for a breath and even now as we head for bed it is raging outside. So, a very slow and lazy Sunday happened instead!

busybusybeejay said...

Sunshine?What is that? Havn’t seen the sun for a long time just rain,rain and more rain.
Take care.

Chris said...

Cute pussy! Maybe you can entice it move in!

Jackie said...

It looks much sunnier for your visit to the prom today.

My sewing/craft room looks like it is in the same shape as your creative space.

God bless.

Tigger's Mum said...

Does kitty have an end of ear missing? Your studio looks like the process of creativity, and I'm jealous of how light it is.