Wednesday 29 August 2018


Been a slow day today.  No pressing secretarial duties, all systems go after the meeting on Friday afternoon tho .....

I was chatting to a friend on the Prom.  He is an extremely good photographer.  Recently he has been with a young man who swam across the bay here, and then did a big swim in the Orkneys to raise money for a charity.  Things people do, he has my admiration.  My friend documented it with his camera.

I just document the beach!  Do you know I have never even dipped a toe into that sea!!

A very large fishing boat.  These boats interiors are like a luxury home.  Polished surfaces and the crew have to wear those overshoes like they have in operating theatres when in the interior.  Owned by very rich fisher families.

Our Buddlea, 'Buzz Indigo', gave us a first for the garden, a Peacock Butterfly!  And a honey bee.

I had a friend and fellow artist visit this afternoon.

New to watercolour painting.  She is very good!  This was finished this afternoon, and is from a photograph of a Willow Warbler on Fennel, taken by me!

Along came this adolescent male Pheasant.  Joining Mum and two younger ones.

It will be a while yet before he will look magnificent taking this attitude, instead of hilarious scrawniness.  But thats adolescence with attitude!

Good to do slow.  Taking the time to just look.


Bovey Belle said...

Gosh, what a great start your friend is making with her art. Love the splatter effect for the Fennel flowers and she's very good at birds too (like you). I expect it's great fun having someone over to share your shedudio.

Love your photos of the beach and the boats on the water. Always cheers me up seeing the gull gang too.

crafty cat corner said...

Back when the kids were young we practically lived on the beach in the summer but I haven't been in the sea for years. I bet it would feel freezing to me now.

Fishcake_random said...

Your observations of all the animals make me smile x x

vic said...

That butterfly is amazing. I hope you will be doing a painting of it.