Saturday, 12 May 2012

Saturdays Sorting.

At last the new shed has been erected.  Done yesterday with the help of a friend.  It has taken this long due to the weather, either chucking it down or a strong wind.

Today was putting the garden tools into it from my shed.  (Though it does look more like an outside loo.)  It is to be painted to match my shed.  We moved the garden table out of there, but I have not yet decided on its final placing when the chairs will be brought out too.

I do love these offers in magazines.  Free, apart from the postage, which is usually £4.90.

But it would cost me that to go to and from the garden centre.

So I potted up the two clematis and the three fuchsia.

 I also potted up three pepper plants that were reduced to pennies at the supermarket.  For some strange reason (glass of wine)  I have a very nice picture of the edge of the barbecue.  So I will take another perhaps when they grow a bit and I have not imbibed.

The rose is next to send for.  Never been one for roses prior to this house, but am now a convert.

After the potting up I got on with my painting.  Not finished yet. (Beaks and a bit more tweaking.)

There is the Fraserburgh Visual Arts Group Art and Craft Exhibition at the end of June so I have fingers crossed I get at least one accepted for hanging.

So thats my Saturday - sorted.


BadPenny said...

I have a little tool shed which looks like an outside loo & an old shed being held up with clematis honeysuckle & Jasmin !

Mum said...

Your summer house looks really huge next to your new shed. Now you've got a lot more room to move but I bet it will fill up again. Wherever there's space I always tend to fill it. I'm looking forward to seeing your finished picture.
Love from Mum

Susan T said...

We obviously read the same magazines,sadly I am shed -less, that explains why our garage is so stuffed with junk.I am sure your painting will be accepted.

Thank you for the heartfelt comment left on my blog. Sometimes we just have to accept it is more about them than us, and make the best of a sad situation. xx