Friday 1 November 2019

Weather foul.

Rain all day and windy.

This is the JIC building in Fraserburgh where the DP has been today and will be tomorrow.  Local authority owned (and run by) it houses many voluntary organisations including Fraserburgh Photographic Society.  Today was setting up for the Open Day tomorrow.  Fortunately he was around for lunch and accompanied me to the Prom.

I managed to get out and to the railings.  Big breaths of vitamin Sea. Got wet. Then back in to the car.  The DP walked further and took lots more photos but hasnt sent them to me as yet.

He lit the stove in the Shedudio on our return and fed the birds.  Then he went off to the JIC.

I didnt do much after that!

Its the Surfing Championship are our beach tomorrow but the weather forecast is dire.  May be fine for Surfers who get anyway.  We shall see.

1 comment:

wherethejourneytakesme said...

Hope the open day goes well - will you be going?