Monday 11 November 2019

Monday and rats.

Monday is a shopping day.  So off the DP went.  Also to take photographs for an exhibition at Cafe Connect in Fraserburgh by the Photographic Society.

Here is part of it.  More to go up.

Lot of humidity so my breathing was not good.  But I made it to the Prom.

Heavy rain was forecast so we kept looking at the sky.

Ah the Oystercatchers!

Black Headed Gulls in winter plumage.

Then the rain came hence this fuzzy boat taken from the car.

Back home and in the Shedudio.  The DP went off to finish the shopping which included some more of the previously used rat poison.  The new stuff does not seem to be doing the job and hardly touched.  As there does seem to be an increase which totally stops me from having any creativity in the painting from watching out for them, then banging on the window the only usage of a paintbrush......which works but not for long.


kjsutcliffe said...

Some one I know is having a rat issue too - have gone through a couple of buckets of rat poison and still being visited. Apparently all this rain in her village has flooded out the rat colony and they have headed into town :(

The Weaver of Grass said...

Do you not have a ratcatcher in the area who you could call on? Local councils are usually very keen to keep the rat population down, especially at this time of the year when they are all coming in for winter. Also feeding the birds probably encourages them - we had a problem on the farm and stopped feeding the birds for a while and it did help. They are always keen on 'easy' food.