Tuesday 24 April 2018

S is for Sea and Sanity.

The family have gone home.  Another morning of all up at 4 a.m. or was it 5?  My daughter partner and grandson are moving house soon.  We all are hoping that the move will improve the sleeping pattern of the grandson.  He will have his own bedroom.  If he turns out to be one of the geniuses that only needs 3 hours sleep he is not coming back.......I do not really mean that.  

A beautiful weather day.  I took myself off to the Prom.  Though every move was an effort I was soooooooooooooooo weary.  Our Grandson will be 2 in July such a happy chap.  He has mastered "Grandma", but the DP is still "The Man."  and Sith is "Cat".  Sith cat has been amazing in his patience.  I am impressed.

Good to see the Gull Gang.

The Pilot Boat.  This wee boat guides the biggies in and out of the harbour.

Back home and into the shedudio.  One of the Harem of Dyson Pheasant appears to have moved in to the garden.

This is her nodding off outside the shedudio.  Having eaten her fill.

My painting of a Harvest Mouse inside a Yellow Tulip is about finished.   A small canvas which now needs varnishing.

We are now being ploughed.  The field at the back of our garden.  Bit late this year down to the weather.

Masses of worms coming up and being eaten!

Slowly recovering, almost back to normal.  Tomorrow is Doctors, lunch out and then more Sea and Sanity.  Yay.  Hopefully after a full nights sleep.


Chris said...

I feel for your daughter and partner. Oldest grandson (now 12) still wakes up at 5:00 a.m. but at least will stay in bed reading until 6:00!

lynney62 said...

Being a Grandma myself who is retired after 42 yrs, working as RN.....I laughed thru your entire post today...LOL! Yes, we love our "little ones" so very much but, oh yes, thank you, Lord, when they go home and we can sleep normally again!! Great post!!

mamasmercantile said...

Loved your canvas, a real delight.

kjsutcliffe said...

One of my sons was an early bird ... or rather, an all nighter! I am not naturally a lark, preferring to be an owl so those first few years were very hard! Now waking him is like trying to wake a stone up!