Saturday, 30 June 2018

Blast from the Past.

This photograph was taken not long after we moved in to this house.  You can see my priorities were the same - my Shedudio!  Although I did completely decorate our bedroom.  Hallway too.  And the downstairs loo.

2011 30th June.

Today has been hotter than yesterday, and tomorrow will be even more hot.  So I have done nothing.

This upset Sithcat  He gets very worried when the normal routine does not happen.

British Lung Foundation says.....

strong sunshine has caused the level of ozone in the air to rise. High levels of ozone and other air pollutants can cause breathing problems and trigger symptoms if you have a lung condition like asthma, bronchiectasis or COPD. 

So that is why I have not done anything today.

I did manage to get into the Shedudio.  The DP had opened the doors and so it was pleasant.  Sith came too and reminded me when it was time to go and open the wine.  Some things never change!


wherethejourneytakesme said...

A different kind of paint brush and you have long hair!

Bovey Belle said...

Ah, back in your blonde days! I see that your shedudio was one of the first things to get established in the garden. Have you painted all your life? I imagine so, if one has a talent, it is there from childhood.

Still meltingly hot here and so I will stay indoors a lot of the day - Amber weather warning here for a thunderstorm at some point today (could do with the rain tbh). Though as you know, thunderstorms generally NOT good for asthma as the pollen gets broken into tiny particles.

I hope it is cooler for you, so you can get to the beach.

BadPenny said...

I am finding the heat a bit of a challenge. When you next comment at John Grey's blog can you tell him My comment couldn't publish as I am not a recognised member of his Blog ! Xx

Anonymous said...

Sithcat and I think the same, this heat isn't normal and I long for my normal too !!!! My cousin just sent me the same alert about the heat and the air, since my brain injury I developed institial lung disease so I am crazy sensitive to smells and paints perfumes, cleaners, the bottom half of my left lung will no longer open, its fused closed from scar tissue and this summers heat is really showing me that I haven't the lung capacity I once had,, my struggles are nothing compared to your battle and I hope you do take heed and stay as quiet as possible during this heat wave, looks like another week of it so best make the best of it,, take care my friend,, love the photo of you taking care of business at the sheduio!