Sunday 4 August 2019

Feeling happy.

Just now had a message from some dear friends who we haven't seen for a while inviting us to go out for a meal with them.  They run two superb cafes in the area.  We were here for them when they first moved here but due to my lung problems have not of late visited the cafes, people and colds and etc.  I avoid.  They are going to pick us up and take us for a meal.  I have said yes thank you.  Earlier this evening I had said to the DP I haven't had any fun lately.  So perfect timing.

Earlier we went to the Prom.

Much cooler today.

So I found it easier to walk to the Kessock Burn.

Say hello to the Gull Gang.

Watch the boats.

The latter seemed to be a way of transporting all the stuff needed for a visit to the beach rather than anything else.

Back home and in the Shedudio.  It rained.  Sith in the dry on the veranda.

A young Robin changing the colour of its feathers.

Two of my three hanging baskets blooming fantastic.  Bees loving them.  The third is a bit high up for a decent photo.  But blooming also. 

As is the side garden, kitchen side.  Rose of Sharon is the yellow one.  Some sort of Spirea the white one?

At the moment this lot are the bane of my life.  Starlings.  Lots of.  Descending into the garden, eating all the food, bullying everything else. Stressing me out totally.  Any ideas?

Not feeling happy.


Terra said...

Isn't that wonderful how you were craving some fun and your friends invited you out? Perfect timing; as a Christian I give thanks to God for the timing. I like the view from your Shedudio and your hanging plants.

Jackie said...

Have a lovely time out.

God bless.

Marlane said...

I love hanging baskets so much !!! You are lucky to be able to have them in your climate. Here in California we have a lot of sun and because of that in the summer it is almost impossible to keep a hanging basket cool and moist enough not to fry !! The starlings would be around for a short while, I forget how long for I would need to to google it/look for info. I don't think that there is anything that you can do other than scare them, but then that would scare all the other birds too.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Have a fun time out with your friends!
The weave of your hanging baskets is nice, pretty arrangements as well.
Sith photo needs to be a painting. As for the starlings, I gave up feeling annoyed. I now embrace them as chatty birds with a funny way about them...and then I get indoors as soon as possible. :)

Bovey Belle said...

Enjoy your meal. It will be a special time for you all.

I managed to get a walk in this morning - early, before it got hot - just as well as it has been heavy showers ever since I got home! At least it is cooler now, which suits me just fine.

Starlings - I just hope they move on by soon.

Jean said...

Enjoy your outing with friends. I love your hanging baskets and the robin. We have baby robins in our garden and they are so sweet.

mamasmercantile said...

Perfect timing, hope you have a wonderful meal out.