Monday 20 April 2020

The DP has a bad back.

Oh woe.  No appointment at the docs.  Our friendly chemist supplied co co thingy.  He has sharp twinges.  The pills are dulling the twinges.  I think we need a new mattress on the spare bed he is sleeping on at the moment.  Not sure I can get one in the lock down.  We shall see.

Gull Gang.

An Oystercatcher having had a bath.

I pounded up and down the deserted prom.

Down the Shedudio and begun a Common Crane.

Sith cat decides to drink out of the water garden.  Huh.


Chris said...

The oystercatchers are my favourite. Thanks for the photos. Look after the DP.

Jackie said...

I do hope DP's back heals quickly.

Sith cat must have been very thirsty.

God bless.

Jane said...

John Lewis are delivering during these times so you may get a mattress from them :)