Thursday, 9 November 2017

The Sovereign Wreck - etc.

The wreck of the Sovereign off Cairnbulg.  That is the Beacon beyond, which is lit when dark.  

The Sovereign grounded in 2005.  5 crew were airlifted.  

And there the wreck has stayed.  Although it did move a bit during very, very strong winds some years back.  Where it is is sometimes at low tide reachable.  But not enough or for long enough for anything to get in and remove it.  So there it remains.  Used by Cormorants as a perching area.  

A few years back, remember the film 'The Life of Pi.'?  The publicity for that depicted -

Much to everyone's surprise in Cairnbulg.

I thought I was going to be wrecked today.  Wind was over 20 mph gusting to 30.  I should have known better.  But still don't.

Looking good.  This photo was taken by me hanging on to the railings.  

You can just see the top of the waves being whisked off at the top by the wind.

Down on the shoreline the gulls gather.

Great Black Backed Gull having a paddle.

I tacked my way back along the Prom and got back into the car and spent the next twenty minutes gaining control of my breathing.  This can be quite scary.  

Tomorrow not only are there still the strong winds but also rain.  I shall be down the shedudio.

1 comment:

Sue in Suffolk said...

Think you Scottish winds have blown down to East Anglia, it's really rough here today.
take care in those winds