Saturday 10 December 2016


I just found my comments.  Well your comments.  THANK YOU.  I was on the point of packing blogging in.  Nobody loved me.......... 

Why oh why do they do this?  If it aint broke dont fix it.



Mum said...

This new Blogger doesn't show at a glance any new comments. It used to tell us in red that we had comments awaiting, didn't it.

Lilly's Mom said...

Of course we love you Jill! Pat

justjill said...

Yes Mum And thank you Pat. Glad to know its not just me. xx

Sara said...

Hello Jill
I don't know if you can help me but I'm trying to find Tina of The Quiet Home. I see from your blog list she started on Instagram but that seems to be deleted now. Does she still have a blog? Hope you can help.
Love your paintings.
Thanks, Sara.

justjill said...

Hopefully Tina will see this and contact you Sara.

Lilbitbrit said...

Hi Jill, I too went quite a while before realizing that more was involved to actually see that some one has left a comment. We would miss you. keep on trucking.

Sara said...

Thank you Jill for replying. Unfortunately Tina won't have my contact details but I'll check back here to see if she comments. If she has a blog I could contact her through the comments on her blog.
Thank you for your help.

justjill said...

Sara she doesnt blog anymore. But she may well still read them. If she says it is ok I can try to put you in touch. x

Sara said...

Sorry to hear Tina doesn't blog anymore, I really enjoyed her lovely homely blog. Thanks Jill.