Monday, 12 December 2016

Today's Walk.

Very cold today after the few days of unseasonal warmth.  Whatever the weather our surfers and kayakers are in the sea.

The low sun sheds its light and does its own art work far better than I can.  This group of Oyster catchers made me smile.

The pools where the Oyster Catchers gathered.

More of Nature's art work with the gull gang.

Christmas here has come rather early.  The Dawn Patroller has had his camera lenses and already been out playing with them.  On the domestic front I finally ditched the bedroom curtains which were teal in colour, and I still dont know what possessed me.  They had a lining which was blackout.  Necessary in the summer when it dont get dark.  But the thickness of the lining led to the curtains forever removing themselves from the curtain pole.  So I received my present early too.  Gold curtains which match the rest of the rooms decor.  (Why did I go for teal mutter mutter.)

All gold.  Rather fitting for the season.

Bring it on.  And more walking weather tomorrow.

1 comment:

Mum said...

Just need some dingle dangle baubles hanging from the rings for an additional festive touch! :) There's lots going on in the sea in your neck of the woods. Brilliant.