Saturday, 27 May 2017

The DP returns.

He is back.  Got me tea cooked tonight.  Steak and salad and a few chips.

Been hot again today.  Went to Tesco to buy him a celebratory bottle of wine.  And myself some pink trousers, cropped legged, as I continue to shrink in height.  

Went to the beach for my walk.  It was PACKED.  No disabled spaces.  But I managed to get the chariot out and did a short walk.  The heat and the breeze were not conducive for peeps like me.  
Felled by both the breeze and the heat ruled out the path of Doom.  

Chris Elliott the kids on the beach were all pre school during the week,  Although I understand we now are in Bank Holiday mode but the Scottish dont always have the same Holidays.

It was high tide.  The bits of beach not covered by sea water were covered by people.  So the Gull Gang were in the sea.  This lot of Gulls were in the sea by the rocks well away from the people.

I came home.  Threw open the doors and windows in the shedudio and painted.

The leaves now being painted, clingfilm applied, the results you can see on the top leaf.  While waiting for that to dry I began a painting of a baby robin.

Don't think he/she is too impressed.  We shall see.

Can anyone tell me why my text size alters without me doing anything???? 


Terra said...

No idea about the spooky ways of the Internet and text altering size. I bet your new pink slacks (capri style?) are cute.

BadPenny said...

I was stuck on a coach for eight hours in that heat - not happy.
I don't know why your text jumps about !