Sunday, 21 May 2017

The Spirit is willing

But oh dear the flesh is weak.

Started off ok the day did.  The DP was off all day with the the Herpetologists somewhere North West of us.

I managed a bath rather than washing parts of the body stood up at the sink.  Or is that too much information?  I have to sit on a  shelf over the bath for the full works and that is all the information.  I hate it.  Also washed my hair.  I then had to sit for a while regain breath and hope the back pain would go away.

After lunch I went for the walk.  A beautiful day although a bit too much wind for my liking.

Jet skiers, happy families and Skurries.  

I have come to the conclusion I do not like walking on a Sunday.  Grumpy old woman I guess.  

Its too busy, no solitude for ones transcendental thoughts.  Not that I have that many.  But there is no chance on a Sunday.

I park in the disabled spaces, I have a blue badge, this enables me to get the chariot out of the car which is behind the passenger seat as I need the space so to do.  I also have to put it back.  Which usually causes the pink horn to squeak in protest.  So when I then stagger back round to the drivers seat and the woman in the passenger seat of the car parked alongside winds her window down and says, "Do you mind if I ask you a question?"  I expect the question to be "What is wrong with you?"  Or "How did you get the blue badge?" or  "Why do you have a pink horn and streamers on your walker?" 

Not "Did you used to be a teacher?"

Well, no.  Do I look like a teacher?  I have had many years working with children, but never a teacher.  Still stumped on that one.

Anyway back home and time to attack the dust.  The joiner did say he had vacuumed.  Still havent worked out where.  There was about a three inch square that didnt have dust on.

This and a fine green coating from the mdf is on every surface.

Second coat of undercoat now ready for top coat.  And an electric socket working but I cant put furniture back to hold stuff that needs an electric supply and would reach this socket, as everything has to come out for the new floor to be laid.

The plug sockets were left hanging as the joiner had 'forgotten' to get longer screws to put them back.  The DP has managed to re-affix some.  Having scoured the countryside for longer screws....

So I have the kettle, the radio and the phone into an extension lead effort.  I need the kettle to heat the water to wet the cloth to wipe off the dust.  I have cold water in the shedudio not hot.

My work station now dust free.

As is my storage unit.

And one of the two tea trolleys I use for my art materials.

Still lots to do.  

But on the upside the birds were singing.  Feeding young.  And with no sight of Mr Samuel Whiskers for a few days now I hope to have the bird feeders put up again outside the shedudio.  When I go down there I am followed by the birds, and feel awful that I am not feeding them down there.

Tomorrow is another day.  And as the flesh appears to have survived the physical activities of the day, including a rewarding glass or two of the red stuff, I may be able to provide.  And completely eradicate the green dust.


Chris said...

You have been working so hard, Jill, you put me to shame. But I did walk up to the mall this morning and very cold it was too!

kjsutcliffe said...

Am green (MDF green) with envy at your studio, the progress is looking good, bet you can't wait to get back to your paintings X thank you very much for your kind and encouraging words about my art x

Gail, northern California said...

You're to be commended for everything you still manage to get done. Some would have thrown in the towel long ago. Reading about it, makes me appreciate more what I'm still able to do.

As I recall, renovation of your studio was due in part to it being part of an artist walk/tour. Is that correct? What's the date for that?

Margaret Butterworth said...

Re bathing arrangements: have you thought of a special chair for sitting in the shower? I hired one for a month after my hip operation and it was wonderful.

crafty cat corner said...

I also hate Sundays, all of the adjoining gardens seemed to have someone in them making noise of some sort. Can I join the grumpy brigade? lol

Sue in Suffolk said...

It looks as if it's coming along nicely.


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