Sunday, 7 May 2017

Hope I havent overdone it.

A blustery day, overcast again.  After lunch I decided sod it and go for my walk.

Very blustery and rough seas.  Although there was a surfer out there .

And a kite surfer - somewhere in the sea.  The sea was so rough and together with the wind he/she was probably out of shot.

You cannot deny that these birds are clean!  Herring Gulls, or Skurries as they are called here in North East Scotland, get a bad press.  But I love them.  Characters, every one.

A pair of Blackheaded Gulls.  Smaller than Skurries.  They only have black heads in the summer, breeding plumage.  They have red legs.  So when they do not have a black head in the winter you can still identify them.

I had a few stops for breathing control but managed the .59 even with the wind in my face on walking back to the car.  

A man gazing out to sea said to me, "Grand isnt it?  But when is Summer coming?"  
I replied "  It was fantastic last week."  
The man said " So I missed it!"

Back home I set to moving stuff in the shedudio.  Not sure that was wise.  But my back did not complain!  Success.

The chest of drawers was moved later, by the DP,  and the radio and the phone.

Enough room to dance - if I could.

I really had not realised just how much stuff I have.

The joiner comes tomorrow.  He reckoned a day and a half to clad the walls which are the only 'full length' walls in the shedudio, the rest is windows.  Then the interior will have to be painted.  But once the dust has settled and gone, the DP will do this.  Then I can get back to painting.

Surprisingly I feel o.k.  I moved everything but the chest of drawers.  

Yes, I had to sit down more than other people, in between moving an item, just hope I suffer no ill effects tomorrow.  If not THEN I AM GETTING BETTER. YAY.


The Weaver of Grass said...

What incredible views you have from those windows - I can't think of a greater spur to enjoy painting.

kjsutcliffe said...

Gosh you've been busy,will cladding make it warmer or is it to give a suitable surface to hang your work?
Today we had summer in our garden, beautiful warm sunshine. But as soon as the sun went down, we had to light the fire!

justjill said...

To kjsutcliffe Its more for being able to hang paintings properly as its always warm as it catches the sun if there is any.. when its really cold I have a blower effort and not so cold a radiator which is thermostatically controlled.Up here at around 6p.m. the woodburner goes on and the oil is switched off.

To Weaver. Just views of weed full garden and views over the park (field - called a park up here?) But there are the birds. And when I look at the garden I start to plan!

Mike Chandler said...

Hope I can get it painted in a day and a half

e said...

It is great that your back's not complaining. I hope the cladding and painting go smoothly.

Gail, northern California said...

Thank you, Mike. We're all cheering for Jill.

R's Rue said...
