Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Go girl go.

Weather - fantastic.  Allelulia.  Lets go.

Went for my walk.

A wind but only just into double figures.

The gull gang in the incoming tide performing ablutions.

All quite happy until a dog walker purposely wangs the ball towards them.

Rubbish collection today.  Satisfyingly minimal. But that could be to do with the wind on previous days removing it elsewhere. 

And here is me on the homeward leg.  As someone had pinched 'my' space I had to walk up to the buoy and back to the car to do the .59.   Lets go.

The DP has been moving the bird feeders onto the back fence and we now have no rat presence near the house.  He has also moved the log pile which was at the back of the house and near the bird feeders.  This afternoon I had a young rat or rats visit three times to the feeders outside the shedudio.  After three goes at squeaking the horn on the chariot, hissing, just showing a presence, that was it.  No adult rat?  See what happens tomorrow.  

I dont think we are going to win this one and that means the rats will sadly lose.

On an upnote. We are really enjoying Law and Order on itv 3 which we tape.  We cant stand adverts so always watch stuff we tape.

Lots of exhibitions coming up.  Taken one down today.  Had forgotten how good some of my work is!  Starting to sort for the next.  Here is hoping I sell something.....Oh and the joiner who is to clad the walls of the shedudio is coming Monday!

Then I can really go.


kjsutcliffe said...

YaY for lovely weather! It looks good there today, ours is finally improving, makes it so much nicer to be out and about. Here's hoping your joiner clads the walls beautifully and your art just flies off the shelf! :)

Chris said...

I haven`t posted a comment in a while but please be sure I am reading your blog every day. I can`t wait to hear how the war on the rats comes out!

Sue in Suffolk said...

I heard that way up north had the best weather, it's cold windy grey and drizzly down here.
Good luck with the sales of paintings