The night of 31 October (Halloween) is Oíche Shamhna (Irish), Oidhche Shamhna (Scottish Gaelic) and Oie Houney (Manx), all meaning "Samhain night". 1 November, or the whole festival, may be called Lá Samhna (Irish), Là Samhna (Scottish Gaelic) and Laa Houney (Manx), all meaning "Samhain day". Wikepedia. So now you know. All this trick or treating is an American tradition. As we live in the middle of nowhere/the countryside we do not have to worry about small or larger children battering the door down and threatening us. Back to today. The forecast was for heavy rain. I looked out of the window. We had had some rain. However I went to the Esplanade and was rewarded big time.
It was warm -ish, no wind, no rain while I was there, though there obviously had been quite a lot. And you can see rain falling out on the horizon. I just gazed and gazed. This is why I go to the beach. Nature is a far better artist than I.
Some of the Oystercatchers are looking a bit rough around the edges. But that is normal as their plumage is being sorted for winter. Following their summer of rearing offspring. Harrowing as those of us who have kids know well
There were a few Redshanks zooming about catching insects.
Boats racing for home.
And one off out 'on the hunt'. Back to boring. My printer refused to accept it had a full, new print cartridge installed. The DP went off with instructions to buy another ink cartridge . He returned with a new PRINTER as it was cheaper to buy a new printer than a set of cartridges for the old one. This is insane. Plus the ink cartridges for the new printer were cheaper than the old one. With me so far? So I now have a new printer. Which works. And does wireless which the old one said it could but never did. So I now have a useless cable which I had to buy for the old one to use it as it did not do wireless as it said it would. I think it is time to lie down in a darkened room. So I will leave you with a video. Happy Samhain. Pronounced Sahwin.
I am keeping up with the pulmonary exercises - every other day. Done today and some increasing. Plus I am controlling my breathing better. Breathe in before doing the exercise , breathe out while doing it. Otherwise one doesnt exercise the lungs. Think about it. Took me a while. Then it was time to charge off up and down the Prom.
A grey day today with rain, though light rain. It is still bloody rain. Though there was no wind! Mixed Gull gang. Plus...
A lot of one of my fave birds - Oyster catchers.
Having a rest.
Lots of images to paint!
Herring and Black Headed Gulls. When I came home I did some more sorting in the shedudio. And a bit of painting. I really need to clear the decks. Yesterday was my first Grandchilds 9th birthday. Where has the time gone? One day to go then it is November.
See the reflection of the sky in the water on the beach?! Certainly worth getting out of the car for that. It was cold and blustery. A lot less wind speed than yesterday. We have Hooleys up here which is a Scottish word for wind. At one point whilst leaning over the railings the chariot went off on its own. Windmill going like fury. Had to laugh. The wind speed was 20 mph gusting to 29. I coped.
Today it was Kite surfing. As opposed to wind surfing.
Not my photo but this is what they try for! (Photo Broch Photo House.) The chariot and I can think about competing, well the chariot can. I often think I should put a brick in the chariots bag.
Not many members of the Gull Gang. A juvenile Herring Gull.
Must have fell off a boat. Beach cleaners managed to get it out of the Kessock Burn, which is some feat. It stops the boat bashing against the side of things. Back into the shedudio. Time for a sort out. Moving stuff around and re-hanging.
I have a shop on my Buchan Birds and Beasts facebook page. Which I am also to overhaul. Framed pictures with glass are a challenge to post. But I can post mounted originals to anywhere in the world so do check the shop out as I am rejigging that in the next few days. If you are any nearer I am going to have some open weekends with coffee and cake - or tea. Feeling energised after walking!
I do not like the wind. I went out and drove to the sea to see...
Madness. And Gulls.
The wind is still hoolying round the house and the logs in the woodburner roaring. The wind drops a wee bit tomorrow down from 30 to 20 mph. But also rain. I need a walk.
Today it was windy. I struggle to breathe when it is windy. But I had arranged to meet my friend Mary this afternoon.
The building on the left is the cafe on Fraserburgh Beach Prom. The photo taken by my friend Mark Grant was early in the morning and is shuttered. The window shuttered on the left is the only window that has a view of the beach. The architect should have been shot. So - perched on very uncomfortable bar stools we looked out of the window. Which is a mere slit. My friend and I sorted out the preceding Visual Arts weekend we had had. It is sometimes very satisfying on who we would both like to be hung, drawn and quartered. My friend took the raffle prize of my painting to deliver to the winner. I came home. We are now into the season, of cold, wind, 45 mph tomorrow, but the plus is the fantastic sunsets.
I doubt I will be walking again on the Prom before Monday when allegedly the wind lessens. So maybe some walking round shops tomorrow. I need a pair of gloves. Winter looms. And this weekend the clocks go back and sunset is earlier......
Well yet again the weather forecast lied. Not a mention of rain. Though the wind speed was probably correct. So our Joiner turned up with sidekick to fix the trims (?) on the dormer windows.
This was him balancing on the roof. The rain was coming in horizontal. But the job was completed. Well done. I however did not do a walk today. Wind speed was 20 mph plus. And then the rain.... So it was down the shedudio and painting.
And I began a painting of Redshanks. Although what you see is the rocks they are on, which hopefully the sprinkled salt will create the effect I want.
Last night. Aurora. Outside our house.
For the uninitiated the green light is the Aurora.
This is the lights 'dancing'. The latter was taken by a friend, Mark Grant. I had to tell this unbeliever to get out with his camera which can see better than the naked eye and this is what he got! This was at Rosehearty Harbour over the harbour wall. Lovely.
Much colder. Although there were still families out, in the playground and on the beach. This is half term for many schools. Here in the North East of Scotland we have 'Tattie fortnight'. Years ago children were given two weeks off school to pick the potatoes. Tatties. So the kids here still have 2 weeks off in October.
Nowadays there are machines. Or in some cases people are still involved. But come Brexit they wont. Nor will they be picking all the fruit we grow.....Farmers are worried. Almost all food gatherers which involves physical labour are from European Countries.....It may surprise some of my readers but in Scotland we grow strawberries, raspberries and of course potatoes, carrots. Most of which are harvested by human labour. Back on the beach.
This family started off with everyone wrapped up and booted for the cold. But kids will be kids! Stripped off and paddling. Mum/Dad trying to fly the kite.
Sadly at some stage they let go and the kite sank into the sea. Yet more pollution.....
The Lobster boat was going back to harbour at a fair lick. Which is more than I was doing. The wind was getting up. Back home I went down the shedudio and did a bit on a Kingfisher. Sat and tried to plan re-hanging in there. Finally contacted all the raffle winners. Now waiting for the promised Aurora. Clear skies. Been seen further up the coast so why not here? Hey ho.
The wind dropped. It was not too cold. (I had my waterproof/windproof golf over trousers on.)
Surfers out having a chat. Certainly didnt do much surfing.
One on his way out.
A Black Headed having a preen. At the Exhibition at the weekend we had a Best in Show vote from the visitors. This one won Best Photograph.
And this one Best Painting.
On the left is our Guest Artist Jane McMillan presenting the trophy to the winner. In the evening I have continued phoning lucky winners of the raffle prizes. Including the winner of my framed painting. Who was ecstatic. Even after I pointed out to her that it was not a Hairy Coo.
Bill and Coo. I have 3 more raffle prize winners. Whom I have phoned and left messages for to phone me back. Then I have done. Apart from the agenda to do for the 'wash up ' meeting next week as we hopefully move forward - in amity.
This morning was a complete lets get washed, hair and head to toe. Done. This afternoon was checking in with my pulmonary physio man. Bit of advice. Lots of sympathy for the depression par for the course with COPD. Down the beach. Rain, wind. This photograph was taken out of the side of the car with the window down.
The following were taken through the windscreen. Hence the fuzziness.
Admiration for the surfer. Tomorrow come what may I am donning water proof trousers and coat and walking. I also found out today that out of many, many artists who had donated paintings to Cornerstone for their art fair mine was one which had sold, to swell their coffers.
Whoop whoop. So I dont make any money - but a very warm glow. Carrying on with the warm glow. My job as secretary was to contact the raffle prize winners to tell them they had won whatever, say whatever and then get their address to post to them their voucher. Plus my painting to be delivered to some lucky raffle ticket prize winner, but I have hung back on that in the fear they will say - well I dont want it..... Tomorrow is another day. Which is a reason to get up. Ha ha.