Remember Doris Day? One of her songs. (Far better, but not so appropriate was, 'The Deadwood Stage is a coming on over the hill'!)
This a Common Hemp Nettle. Growing wild. Not in our garden.

One of the Buddlea I planted some time ago and to my amazement has flower buds on.
I thought it was way too small to do this and expected to wait quite a few years.

This, the reason for today's song title. Its growing in one of our lawns and is called 'Self Heal', once used for sore throats. So pretty. I suggested Mike mowed round it which did not go down well. Like little purple jewels.

My herb bath is going from strength to strength and we are already using the herbs.

The Alstroemaria I bought from the 'Rescue Me' stall has taken on a new lease of life and is smothered in buds.

Indoor flowers only purchased when on offer. The supermarkets sell by dates are just silly but of great benefit to the customer. I have two bunches in this vase and gladioli. Total cost a fiver.

As the forecast was for more rain I spent most of the day in the garage sorting. We have loaded up Mikes car with stuff for a car boot sale which he intends to go to on Sunday. Quite happy to go on his ownsome. As its a 6a.m. start I am quite happy to let him.
If he manages to get rid of that load we still have enough stuff for at least one more.
And guess what I found.
In amongst a pile of cookery books we no longer want, the library book I thought I had put in the paper recycling bin. I threw the book at him. I paid over £20 to replace this book and went through agonies explaining to the librarian what (I thought) I had done.
And it didnt rain. It was pleasantly warm, sunny, and a light breeze.
Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Not the weatherman thats for sure.
Am assuming this is an error - Jill stuck for words - I would be horrified and gutted :)
Ouch - sell it for more? Gorra laff???
If today is anything to go by, personally I am not even giving tomorrow a thought - let's just raise a glass to each other this evening!
Lost for words...sometimes I have to press the publish button to then be able to edit and add more pics. If there is an easier way I have yet to discover it!
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