Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Bird watching.

I love watching birds.  As does the DP although he goes out at dawn, hence his 'Dawn Patroller' pseudonym =DP.

He leaves the house around 5 a.m. The images from his mornings walk.

Oyster catcher.

Sedge Warbler.


A Norwegian Cat.   It lives up the extinct Formartine and Buchan Railway line which is a wonderful wildlife corridor.  And would you believe some people want to bring the trains back here.....

Dunnock, in our spinney.  Our spinney consists of pine trees.  And Holly which has lots of berries coming along nicely for Christmas..... The birds all seem to be getting enough grub(s).

My bird watching as you all know is mainly on Fraserburgh Beach.

Today was chilly, windy and rainy.  Rather stupidly, after I had had my hair done, I went for a walk.

As the tide swept in the Herring Gulls moved out.  

Came back again.

And off again.

Came home.  Far more peaceful.  Watched the big brother Blackbirds 3 of them feeding their two siblings.

My hair do survived as did I.

Just about to boot Sith off the bed and get into it.  Goodnight.  Better weather tomorrow.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Yes I do hope we get better weather tomorrow Jill, it has been cool and wet here too.

Mum said...

Night, night, sleep tight.