Thursday, 29 June 2017

Swapping seasons.

Good old British Weather.

As predicted torrential rain, high winds and cold enough to switch on the liquid gold central heating.  

No walk today.

Instead I spent a happy hour with a friend and fellow artist.  Marie Buchan.  Marie has very kindly offered to take in my donated painting to Cornerstone, along with one of hers.

Flamenco dancer.  Ace isnt it ?!

Marie lives by the sea in a beautiful fishing village of St Combs.

Although, obviously,  today was not sunny as in these pictures.  Still beautiful though.

Marie, I and another artist, Mary Torrance who also lives in St Combs will have a mini trail covering us all when NEOS (North East Open Studios) is on in September.  I am the most difficult to find being in the middle of nowhere!

Being an artist is a solitary life so it is nice to meet up and chat as we are all singing from the same hymn sheet, albeit in different approaches.

As this post is mainly art I will reply to Gail's questions.  My signature is on the bottom right of my paintings.  justjill 2013 in this case.  The photo is a bit slanted but I can assure you thats where it is.  Labels.  Well if it is an exhibition I do the labels, laminate, chop and affix near the painting.  In this case the label is attached to the back.  Some exhibitions do a catalogue but one still has to have a label affixed to the back.

So tomorrow.  What will it bring?  Snow?


crafty cat corner said...

Usually in the south here we get the nicer weather but even down here its messy. Last week we were sweltering and this week as you say it's almost cold enough of an evening to put the heating on.
Sun has just come out as I am writing, let's hope its an omen.

rusty duck said...

Don't joke about the snow..
Fleeces are back out here.

Gail, northern California said...

Oh my, isn't the flamenco dancer lovely? You can almost hear her castanets.

Thank you for the information about the labels. btw, "Chocks Away" is the perfect title.

kjsutcliffe said...

I've see her work before - it is beautiful :) I agree with the solitary life, fortunately I get together once weekly with a bunch of nutty knitters for an afternoon, and once weekly with two other artists where we all talk 19 to the dozen!