Fraserburgh became very excited at the arrival of.....
Whooper Swans moved in to the field across from our house.
It snowed a bit - inland - Delgaty Castle.
There were some high winds making good surfing.
Kinnaird Head was lit for the Museum's 20h anniversary.
And at the end of the month I finished my 3rd or was it 4th course of antibiotics. Now instructed not to go out , be anywhere near people, put some weight back on, get fit, for quite a while..... So roll on December I leave you with an interesting fact. Did you know if you are over 60 you cannot buy over the counter Thrush treatment .
For the first time in my life I am actually sorted for Christmas. I am not going to share with you what I have sorted as those who are more directly concerned might see.
However. The Dawn Patroller and I decided to replace our very wonky standard lamp in the sitting room as a Christmas present to each other.
Every time I switched the wonky one on I feared there would be a crackle and a fizz and I would be no more.
The Dawn Patroller was therefore on a quest to find a suitable replacement. Visiting various emporiums and returning with photographs. Which I deleted. Apart from......
......This one was very
much on the top of the list.
Bit different. No animal had been harmed. Deer drop their antlers every year. BUT it was rather a lot of money.
So, the eventual purchase was made and we were both pleased.
And we do not have to wait till December 25th.
So this evening we sit bathed in the glow and feeling good.
a dull and dismal weather type day yesterday was. It never really got
light. It rained and it was cold. I never even ventured down to the
In the evening with curtains closed tight and blanket round knees in front of wood stove. Then in came the alert.
most Auroras take place in the early hours of the morning. But this
was 9.30p.m. Great excitement. The Dawn Patroller set off to Cairnbulg
where it is darker. We have no street lights where we live, but our
neighbours insist on security lighting such as you normally see round a
the left the orange glow is the bonfire still burning from the night
before. The white light is the Beacon warning shipping of rocks. And
above the clouds the Aurora has commenced. Above that are the stars.
After such a dank, depressing day, who would have expected this clear
beautiful evening.
Taken from a different angle showing the stars.
house you see is called 'The Lookout' and as its name implies looks out
over the sea. The slight orange glow to its right are the street
lights of Fraserburgh.
The Aurora continued for some hours.
one above by our Aurora watcher and alerter, Lesley Jennings. Top two
by the Dawn Patroller. Lesley somehow manages to remain outside and
awake until all is over.
And let us all know when the show is on!
the time I had spread the word ( from the warmth inside) a lot of
people managed to see the Aurora for the first time. Which pleased me
as I am sure some of my friends thought I was making it up......
Still unseasonably warm but a frost promised tonight inland.
Fortunately the annual return of Pink Footed Geese has occurred. Here again to overwinter in their thousands. We hear them calling as they leave their roosting ground and return in the evening.
Also come to stay with us for the winter are thousands of Whooper Swans.
Photo by John Duncan.
When the night sky is clear enough ......
Photo by Lesley Jennings. Lesley lets us know when there is to be a visible Aurora Borealis. I was snoring my head off at 1a.m. when this was happening.....
There have been the usual Firework Displays. And Halloween Spectaculars.
Aden Country Park. Photos by the Dawn Patroller. There was a spooky performance throughout the woodland, trees were lit up. Awesome spectacular. Then the fireworks.
Tonight is our nearest village Cairnbulg Harbour Bonfire Or Bondie as they are called here. There was a childrens competition to make a guy. They are all on top of the bonfire!
Following a whole month of ill in bed. This followed my having the flu jab. I have had it before I have it every year So why three days after it did I get flu? Not a live vaccine they said. Well it was alive in me Now dead.
So lets get on with living.
This young man joined the family yesterday. Despite being physically a long way away I can assure you I was involved!
And breathe.
Which I now can do.
Tomorrow I may make the few steps down to the shedudio and pick up a paint brush.