Sunday, 15 July 2012

What happens when the sun shines.

Actually, even when it doesn't.  But yes, this weekend, we have seen more sun than in weeks.

Fraserburgh beach is fantastic for all kinds of surfing.  Kite, Wind, just Surfing.

But this is a new one on me.

Paddle Surfing?

In my reading of the weather forecast, yesterday,  I had decided to do some charity shopping, as it was bound to rain.  (It didn't til I came home.)   I went to Peterhead as they have more charity shops than the Broch and was very successful and my trawl amounted to ten frames, with mounts.

Not ONE fitted any of my paintings waiting to be framed.  Sods Law.

However, I spent some happy hours taking them apart, removing the awful M&S prints and dodgy florals, but then discovered these two.

These are silk paintings and have Chinese (?) stamps on them.

I have no idea whether they are genuine, but its certainly silk and the silk is certainly painted.  Perhaps I am going to be one of those people who have found a fortune in a charity shop!  

And finally, just to prove the sun did shine, here is Sith sunbathing.

And when the sun has shone - you get a sunset like this.


Mum said...

Are you going to frame your silks - very pretty. And what a wonderful sunset.
Love from Mum

BadPenny said...

Sith looks super silky in the sunshine. A super hoard of frames...we get loads in the C shop. Pretty prints.
We saw loads of those paddle thingys in Antigua but never got round to trying them out.

justjill said...

Mum - I removed them from very dirty charity shop frames - so, no I am not going to frame them ! The frames are destined to frame mine own paintings. I want to find out if they are genuine - any ideas how I do that?