I would just love the courage to wear a hat. One of our knitting nancies always wears a hat, that she made herself, and they are awesome.

A wide range of topics was covered. We totally deffed in the government, manufacturers of furniture, the trains, cost of getting kids through uni, the fact that the British Heart Foundation are 'not allowed to sell knitting needles', but Shelter are. Presumably knitting needles are considered to be bad if you have a heart condition, but not if you are homeless. ?
In the afternoon I faced one of the things which could well bring on a heart condition, buying clothes.
I am happy if I can zoom in , grab something and pay for it. But then you go in the shop, theres nothing in your size and the colour you are not sure about. So you select a garment which might be a bit big, might be a bit small, might scream at your face complexion... To the changing room, a Special Hell. Then comes the stripping off of what you came in with. The curtain never closes properly, and its hot. By this time your face is bright red and would not go with anything.

And the reason for all this?

What on earth do you do? For an hour.
A friend advised that you hang out of the windows and scream at the local males. I do that on every trip to town. Especially those in a white van.
After an hour of, presumably, driving around Peterhead, yawn, we are then returned to the Waterside Hotel for a meal. Now last time I went to the Waterside every female had to open her handbag to prove she wasn't bringing in her own booze. Such is the clientele in Peterhead. But this stretch limo "Hasnt got a licence" and we have been instructed to bring our own booze. So that means I have to sink a whole bottle of wine, in an hour, before the meal.
More ladylike stuff. Flowers in November.
Now I need help. I am trying to get the blogs I view on my blog. They are on my profile. But I want them down the side. Like I see on other peoples blogs. After much trial I now have a blog appearing on the top, only one, seems quite haphazard. Suggestions please as to what I should try next.
No way am I asking a man, this is woman's stuff!
The seasons are totally crazy aren't they! As is driving around in a stretch limo for an hour ... have fun !!!!
Re. the blog roll ... I can't see any blogs on here at the mo? But you need to open the design tab and make sure you are on Page Elements. Click on Add a Gadget and scroll down for Blog List, open that, and it should be self explanatory from there. You'll see all the options and most people sort by most recently updated. Then you just need to paste in all the URLs of your favourite blogs one by one - the tedious bit - and hit save. And save again when you are returned to Page Elements. Hope that helps.
I think the stretch limo sounds fab. I ordered a taxi once and the company sent a stretch limo! So £5.00 to be driven in a huge car to my friend's house.
As for links to other posts, I'll log on on my lap top and see what I do! (I can't do it from the iPad!)
Love the idea of wearing a hat, Fab!
ooh I've never been in a limo !!!! but everything in my garden is mad too !
Sorry really bad about blog bits & bobs
Here goes!
Go to design. Add a gadget.
Go to blog list, click on it. You can choose most recent or alphabetical and various options such as a photo etc.
Then click on add a blog (if you opt for blogs I'm following it will let you select )
tick the ones you want, add and save. Save the list.
The list should now be in the place you added the gadget.
Check by using the preview button.
Move it to where you want it and save. Preview again.
I hope it works!
Thank you all - I'll have another go.
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