Wednesday 24 August 2011

Flying things.

Heron. Lots of ponds round here, many man made. Consequently quite a few herons.

Small Copper butterfly.

Common Darter dragonfly. Not that common in this part of the U.K.

Mike went off to the Loch of Strathbeg this afternoon. Our local RSPB bird reserve. He saw many birds but did not manage many photographs. One of a very blurry Osprey. Which shouldnt be here now anyway. They are all heading off to Africa for the Winter.

Soon will be the arrival of thousands and thousands of pink footed geese. The grasslands have been flooded at the reserve in readiness.

Health update. My lungs are now clear. I have a daily bottle of high energy drink. Should be flying myself soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jill, I'm so pleased to hear you're feeling better! The dragonfly is my favourite.