Still my preferred supermarket. In Fraserburgh its Tesco. Quite a big one. But Mr Morrison knows about meat, and presents tasty cuts of meat, whereas I do find Tesco and even more so, Asda, to be verging on tasteless.
Ah well, you can't have everything.
Fraserburgh does have this amazing beach. Surfers and wind surfers love it. When I lived in Cornwall, many years ago, I surfed. We will keep that one in the memory bank, not something I would want to repeat particularly in the North Sea.
The nearest I get to the sea now is the beach. I have always loved to see what has been washed up and collected the odd shell and pebble. We have quite a collection of drift wood here, which I guess will end up on the fire. Though I do have one piece which is in the shape of a seal, life size, which might end up in our new garden or, better still, on the wall of my studio(!)
I spent the morning packing our library of books into boxes. Bit difficult at times as every time I made up a box, picked up a few books, turned to put them in the box, there was a cat in it.
Well - just off to tart myself up to go out for my birthday meal.
Thank goodness my eye sight is failing, I can't see any wrinkles at all!
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