As Mike was asking the questions, it was down to me to collect the answer sheets and do the adding up. Problem was that as Mike was driving I could have a drink. So by the end of the evening I am not too sure I got the grand total right. But as one team were so far ahead, that one point here or there - what the hell. Mike checked them as well so there you go. I won my own raffle prize back. Which wasnt a bottle, as all the other prizes were, damn.
And there was a rowdy table who demanded most of my attention, just like the night before. This time the team in question (no pun intended) had sat as far away from the questioner and screen, that showed the questions, and moaned and moaned about not being able to see or hear. When I suggested they moved to another table nearer the stage, "We've just got settled, get him to speak louder and slower."
But they stayed to the end and were laughing and joking with me by then, whether that was down to the booze intake or my charm, I know not.
Home again, home again, jiggety jig, with the big moon we have all been promised, didnt look any bigger than what we normally get.
Now, because we had had to leave home at 6p.m. there was no way I was going to persuade the ducks to go into their hut, as it was still light.
Mike went to shut them in on our return, to discover there was only one duck.
As before when this has happened there were no feathers, nothing to show how a fox could get over the fence and back over with a quite large duck. So what happened?
Smoky Robinson is no more.
Tomorrow, Jemima is off to a new home. My friend who has ducks and hens had said she would take the pair of them when we moved. She is going to take Jemima tomorrow as I cannot bear her being alone again.
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