My other book purchase was far, far cheaper and is for me.
It was mentioned on Lily's blog, 'Making it Vintage'.
I may have to get the wool from the internet as strangely enough there are few wool shops aroond and aboot.
I have had another day of solitude. Yummy. Mike and his sister have gone on the Puffin, a small ex fishing boat,which cruises along the coast. You get to see all manner of sea birds and hopefully dolphins, porpoises and sometimes a whale.
The other main event of the day is that Kevin, the joiner, arrived and has measured up for laminate flooring throughout the ground floor where it isnt. Also to replace the internal doors. This will probably be the most expensive work we have done here but it must be done. The flooring because of the cats.
Should explain here, cats do get fleas and although we treat them regularly, flea eggs get laid down the edges of carpets, laminate floors get vacced and then mopped - no eggs. I learnt this the hard way and had the shame of Environmental Health coming in with masks on to fumigate the flat I was then living in which had become infested.
Also one of our cats, despite a cat scratch post, thinks the carpet is just for him to sharpen his claws on.
And the doors changing because I hate what we have and if I cant have this, last, house as I like it - well!
This picture below is the sunset last night.
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