And watching Neve help sort I remembered that the favourite toy was always a box of some sort.
Daughter and Granddaughter were quite ruthless. All I was left with was the car which I wouldn't dare get rid of, though there may be some sharing lessons coming up......
As daughter pointed out I provide craft and art activities out of virtually nothing which is far more fun.
The two girls spent a happy time going through the box of photgraphs and albums I had created, Identifying Mums and Aunties and Grandmas and Granddads looking very strange.
The toys are now all packaged up and are being collected at the weekend to go to the charity shop for the New Arc near Ellon, which rescues animals and birds. We had a duck from them some years back. Plus bags of games, I never did like Monopoly. Have kept Scrabble, Boggle and Articulate. Jigsaw puzzles are going, we have loads, tho we have had to do them all to make sure they are complete. Not me, the Dawn Patroller is wading his way through them.
The DP has been magnificent. He is washing stuff, drying stuff, cleaning stuff, cooking stuff, tho I aint eating much of it, and shouts at me if I head in any direction other than the bathroom.
On Thursday, hey up that's just yesterday, it was realised I was deteriorating agin. Doctor out. The neighbours probably think I have a toy boy by now. The chest infection has gorn from where it was but has now reared up in the pleural cavity. Now taking one antibiotic bomb a day plus strong pain killers. Pleurisy hurts.
So I am looking at my diary. I contact all by email and find everything I had to do has been sorted.
I am dispensed with.