Ah, the baby chairs are empty. Just to wash now and put one away and return the other to my friend, who kindly loaned us it plus a travel cot and the bi-i-g fire guard.
"My car!!!!" says my eldest grandson when he arrives, is ready to be stored away.
Along with the box of toys and the playmat in its bag, all lovingly made by this grandma from a charity shop buy of quilt cover and pillow case. You see I am good at some things!
The spread eagled object, in case anyone is worrying , is a fox glove puppet.
Washing machine not stopped yet. Here is bedding, towels, duvets, pillows, piling up ready to be packed away.
We had one daughter and partner in the summer hoose, and one daughter in a tent!
Dining room, still a disaster area. Although I did find lots of cans of beer stashed away in the fridge on the right. Cannot stand cold beer. Hence they are out now.
A bereft bike.
And a cold fire.
This morning I had to leave it all as was. Hot footed it to the Cafe Connect for my six mates hanging their pictures, photography, water colours, acrylics, pastels,stained glass, et al. I had done all the publicity so they had the press coming to take pics of them, all the labels of their works of art, and their biographies (no wonder my house is still a tip!)
Tomorrow I am entering three of my paintings into an Art and Craft Exhibition at the Dalrymple Hall in Fraserburgh, so had to zoom home to do labels for mine own works.
And!!!! to do the art work for the poster and the press releases for our volunteers next project, Disc Cover Art at the Lighthouse Museum. Zonked? I don't know whether I am on this earth or Fullers.
But the sun came out - at last, which then got me thinking about all the plants I have to plant, pot on, weed. The house to clean. ........
It is very restful to watch the 'wildflower meadow' waft around in the breeze (force 4).
But then, you will all be pleased to know I found a bottle of red wine. Which is one of the best I think I have ever had. It is called Chocolate Box, Cabernet Sauvignon, 15%! An Anniversary present from yet another outlaw, tho have to say I am glad with having four daughters, none of them have actually made it legal, I really can't afford the weddings.
I will definitely be zonked tomorrow and I have a work shop to attend on acrylics......... So when do I clean the house, plant, weed, wash, dry, well I am zonked, totally zonked. But what the heck, cheers!