Yesterday the Dawn Patroller took 'his' car into the garage for an MOT and a service. Now living up here where the pace of life is much slower than elsewhere we had got used to not having which ever car went in to the garage for days. Speaking of this to my friend 'I love Lucy', she said "Accchhh take it to ******* ye'll hae it back in the day and they dont charge yer much."
So we did. We hung around much of yesterday not starting anything that couldnt be stopped waiting for the summons to collect it. I delayed my wined down. Difficult. Nothing. This morning the phone call came,
"Do ye want me to dae yer bearings, theyre needed for the Mot."
Well - yes. Will we have it done for today?"
"Aye." Right.
So another day of waiting for the summons to collect it.
I had planned to go to the Lighthouse Museum at 4p.m. to help set up for the knitted fish auction. Mike wanted to go to his newly joined Photographic Club later on. So at 4p.m. he phoned the garage to see what was happening.
"He's having a wee problem. But they're working till 8 tonight."
Which meant that something had to give. So I went for the wine down so Mike could take my car to the Photographic Club.
So all in all, dear Lucy, this could turn out to be a world record - well in line with previous experiences at the least.
I guess that we are fortunate to have two cars. But come the winter when mine wont drive safely in the snow we need his 4 wheel drive. And living where we do if, as now, one is in the garage, we are marooned.

Also waiting - and watching - for the field behind us to be all cut. The amount of pheasants running willy nilly all over the place was hilarious as the combine slowly made its way. Many of them ended up in our garden.

Our previous viewing of the cutting of the barley has been as the Combine Harvester carries on doing its cutting, a tractor with a large trailer appears alongside and in goes the grain from a pipe that swings out from the harvester. The chap doing the field behind us is doing all of it. He cuts it, and then pulls alongside his parked tractor and trailer and empties the grain. Later , much later he drives the tractor and trailer home and then, presumably empties the grain.

Which is why he and us are waiting for bed time.