Saturday, 18 March 2017

Saturday sundries

Lovely weather.  Little wind, sunny, few rain spots.

I went for my walk on the Prom on my own.  I managed to load up the chariot onto the back seat of the car.  And get it out again.  Slowly.  But I did it.

Some scary waves.

This chap appears to be carrying a fridge door while wearing flippers ??

I didnt walk as far as I should have.  But did manage more steps into Lidl.  I bought some gardening gloves.  Not sure why.  But now I have to find the secateurs and see if I can kill something.  Pain free to self of course.  Well thats the plan. But there are an awful lot of brambles.  Nature rules ok.  Some are now tapping on the shedudio window - I feel a lot like some fairy story character who was surrounded, in a castle of course, by such thorned brambles, tho I doubt theres a prince charming on his way.  

But then when I came home I discovered the DP(my Prince Charming)  had removed the small shed from whence appears the rats.  We are hoping the lack of 'cover'  will put them off charging in and nicking the bird food.  Yesterday one leapt 4 feet, I kid you not, and grabbed a fat ball. 

Here being used by a welcome visitor.

A Goldfinch waits his chance on the seed feeder.

And a Buzzard high in the sky.


Chris said...

Sounds like you are feeling better, Jill. Take it easy - no overdoing things!

kjsutcliffe said...

Rain rain rain here all day, til 5pm and the sun comes out! A mad dash to walk the dog....which resulted in another bath, she is now drying by the fire. Glad you are having spring like thoughts, please don't over do it though ☺