Saturday, 7 October 2017


Today was/is the DP's birthday.  He is now older than me till March.  

Weatherwise twas horrible.  So no Dawn Patrolling and no amble along the Prom.

An interesting old photograph of how it used to look!  

I got stuck in to FASE4 stuff.  Minutes.  Communicating with exhibitors.  

Then down the shedudio to do my bit for the Community Challenge Bunting depicting 'My Town.'  

I have two more Pennants to do something with, which will follow the theme of Birds who are in 'My Town'.

Very tired now.  The DP made us a lovely prawn and avocado starter, then steak, chips and salad, then we sat and consumed one of the daughters gift of lovely chocolate.  I sampled the one with orange and the DP the one with Hazelnut.  Both sourced from politically correct countries......

Today is also the birthday of one of our grandsons.  I remember well the evening of his birth as the DP and I and friends were in a restaurant celebrating the DP's birthday and I was on the phone throughout the meal with the daughter going through the birth!  The whole restaurant cheered at the end.  Since then said daughter delivered this little charmer at the beginning of this year.

Her 3rd son and my second grandchild with Ginger hair.  

On that note I am sure we have all had enough of my ramblings.  Goodnight.


Terra said...

You have a darling grandson.

Tom Stephenson said...

I love your pennants. I like the picture of your grandchild too! Isn't amazing how children know what photography is even before they can talk? I have seen small babies posing for the camera, even in the days of celluloid film.